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Khal Tithe Farm


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Hey, I love the script! It runs so smooth and never a bug, amazing.

If i could put one suggestion in the air.. So you have the option to wait for energy to restore if its low. Would it be possible to implement that setting to randomize the location it stands to wait and also randomize from 93-100% when to start again. I think it's a red flag for it to stand in the same spot and at the same energy every run. I'm using an ironman who doesn't have potion support yet. I think this would put the icing on the cake for this script! 

Keep doing what you do! Love all your scripts ! 

-Bot Farms

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4 hours ago, Bot Farms said:

Hey, I love the script! It runs so smooth and never a bug, amazing.

If i could put one suggestion in the air.. So you have the option to wait for energy to restore if its low. Would it be possible to implement that setting to randomize the location it stands to wait and also randomize from 93-100% when to start again. I think it's a red flag for it to stand in the same spot and at the same energy every run. I'm using an ironman who doesn't have potion support yet. I think this would put the icing on the cake for this script! 

Keep doing what you do! Love all your scripts ! 

-Bot Farms

I can take a look at, but something like that doesn't really matter... Depending on what sequence you are using you will be at another position to wait + it's all instanced.
There is nobody there to check up on you ^^

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