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Am I ip banned from osbot?


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For some reason when I connect normally to osbot.org or try to use the bot the website either times out or the bot will not open. When I connect through a VPN I'm able to connect to the site and when I'm not connected to the internet the bot is executable. This just started happening about 20 minutes ago. I'm unaware why this is happening


Edit - I'm also able to execute and run the bot using a vpn

Edited by bbobb
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If you're able to access the website and post through your residential IP then no, Otherwise you might have done something with the firewall on your PC to not allow it to connect to the server. You could be causing a conflict by using the VPN/Proxy. Failing that your parents might have found out how much you've spent on the site and blacklisted it through your router. Any is a possibility. 

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