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Fury AIO Looter


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1 hour ago, FuryShark said:

Done! gl

Thanks a lot! One suggestion, is there perhaps a way to have a check something like:


If player is in item position of loot, do not go to position but loot. What I mean is, if for example someone died in wildy with 10 swordfishes, it runs to that position, loots a swordfish, but there are 9 left, and it clicks the minimap again and then on the swordfish and so on. With the problem being other people looting faster as they simple click/go for the item first, instead of first clicking on the minimap.



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17 minutes ago, MaxedTitans said:

Thanks a lot! One suggestion, is there perhaps a way to have a check something like:


If player is in item position of loot, do not go to position but loot. What I mean is, if for example someone died in wildy with 10 swordfishes, it runs to that position, loots a swordfish, but there are 9 left, and it clicks the minimap again and then on the swordfish and so on. With the problem being other people looting faster as they simple click/go for the item first, instead of first clicking on the minimap.



That shouldn't happen anyway. Are you sure its clicking on the minimap and not attempting to loot but others have pid so they get it before you? It would still have the flag on the map like you clicked on it. The way i have it coded rn is that it wont run to the item position if its more than 2 tiles away from it

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4 minutes ago, FuryShark said:

That shouldn't happen anyway. Are you sure its clicking on the minimap and not attempting to loot but others have pid so they get it before you? It would still have the flag on the map like you clicked on it. The way i have it coded rn is that it wont run to the item position if its more than 2 tiles away from it

Yeah, its already on the loot pile itself, and the logger also said something like moving to item position, even though its already on that exact spot. I'm not sure if others would have PID, but it just seems kinda fishy when it clicks on the item, then on minimap, then on item etc. and does that for 9 items for example.


As for looting itself, I've tried this in F2p bounty hunter world which averages about 30k ish. I found out P2P BH is pretty much dead. Any other use for the script? I'm not sure GE in whatever world would net more seeing it would be too wide spread, or am I missing something?

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