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Dispute against maze1


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Disputed member: @maze1

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Explanation: Wrote him a basic private script for 20M and gave him the script before payment. This was a cheap script and didn't have an issue giving it to him before payment because I'd rather the customer receive the script instead of making sure our schedules lined up for a measly 20M. After I have sent the script there has been no attempt by maze to contact me to give me the 20M. I have messaged him on forums and on discord with no response. I am not sure how active he is (he hasn't been on forums since yesterday) but I have tried to contact him since Thursday last week and haven't gotten any responses.

I had tried to contact him the night of completing the script but we never made contact before I had to leave for work so I decided to just send him the script and figured he'd be good for the 20M :doge:




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