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What`s the best zerker build


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Agree with above post. Stick with 60 attack unless you plan on getting 70-75 def. at some point.

60 attack will have a big bracket of weapons available for use also. So like said above: you aren't "limited" to mainly using AGS because at a certain combat bracket other special weapons become useless.

Edited by AsBakedAsCake
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  On 11/27/2018 at 10:18 PM, Axldeth said:

ok thanks to all guys really nice answers here, anything else u want to add? magic lvls? range lvls? quest  and untradeables?



Id suggest the following:

94 mage

70-75 range for firecape(unless you plan on range pking, get 99 in that case)

For gear: You're probably going to want a firecape, torso, B ring(I), barrows gloves, and a rune defender.

Hope this helps - all quests need to complete RFD can be found with a simple google search, You'll also need to do lunar diplomacy + sub quests for vengeance

Edited by AsBakedAsCake
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60 attack, 52 prayer, 42 defense.

Get the barrelchest anchor and barrows gloves. That is the most fun and effective pking build. You don't need berserker helmet to pk, the 3 defense levels hurt your combat. For a helmet use the ram skull helmet from rag and bone man II, it doesn't negatively affect range or magic. the only point of going 55/45 is for spirit shield, which isn't even that good anyways when you already have the option to use book of darkness, rune defender or black d'hide shield, depending on your combat style.

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  On 11/28/2018 at 6:03 AM, AsBakedAsCake said:

Id suggest the following:

94 mage

70-75 range for firecape(unless you plan on range pking, get 99 in that case)

For gear: You're probably going to want a firecape, torso, B ring(I), barrows gloves, and a rune defender.

Hope this helps - all quests need to complete RFD can be found with a simple google search, You'll also need to do lunar diplomacy + sub quests for vengeance



  On 11/28/2018 at 6:55 AM, nezbomb said:

60 attack, 52 prayer, 42 defense.

Get the barrelchest anchor and barrows gloves. That is the most fun and effective pking build. You don't need berserker helmet to pk, the 3 defense levels hurt your combat. For a helmet use the ram skull helmet from rag and bone man II, it doesn't negatively affect range or magic. the only point of going 55/45 is for spirit shield, which isn't even that good anyways when you already have the option to use book of darkness, rune defender or black d'hide shield, depending on your combat style.


thanks for all ur answers i have some good ideas now :D

this kind of build cant be used as a hybrid? when u said only 75 range is for that reason rigth?


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  On 11/28/2018 at 3:38 PM, Axldeth said:


thanks for all ur answers i have some good ideas now :D

this kind of build cant be used as a hybrid? when u said only 75 range is for that reason rigth?



You can probably hybrid without range, I don't think that med-high level accounts (outside of the pure bracket) typically use range for bridding unless they're in a multi zone.

If you plan on mainly single pking I would just get 75 range for the firecape (advance over time if you like of course.) If you're a multi-pker just go for 99 range, haha. 

But typically my favorite thing with these accounts is being able to combo with that vengeance :D

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60 attack zerker is great for both hybrid and edge. A 75 attack zerker is a worse hybrid when maxed, though good for edge. 75 attack might arguably be stronger than 60 attack for hybrid around 75 strength due to toxic staff of the dead, but falls off with higher strength due to combat level. There are no downsides to training range, as you will benefit from the extra hitpoints experience at this bracket.

Edited by nezbomb
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