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OSRS Ban Megathread - 9/27/2018


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  On 9/20/2018 at 3:55 PM, Glaciation96 said:

Thanks, really hoping you're right. Because I just got banned using Advertising other bots isn't allowed. a minute ago lol. This is why I came here...


OSbot goes down every thursday. Sometimes its for as little as an hour, but it can take up to 24 hours depending on how big of an update Jagex implemented. They don't give ETA's presumably because they split up their work stream and can't really give an accurate ETA.

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I appreciate the thread and wanted to ask if you could elaborate a little on the heavily watched botting areas. I am going to be experimenting with 3 new accounts:

#1: Created early 2012, lost over time, recovered in 2018. Was banned for gold farming in 2013 but they accepted the appeal since it looked like it was hijacked (which it was since I don't remember knowing about botting back then). Played legit so far, quested and trained to level 30 all combat skills and 20 wcing, fishing, and cooking. 

#2: created early 2018, trained legit until 20 att, ignored and now recently put through the same process as the above account (all 3 accounts have roughly the same stats and 35 quest points with dragon slayer completed)

#3: created fresh last month, same stats and quest points as above, only legit play so far. 

All 3 were trained under the same home ip, given 5m gold from my mule, and are on a 2-week break. After the break I will "hijack" them at my workplace by logging in, requesting an email change, and changing the password.

I'm going to try 2 different botting clients, one with mirror-mode and one without. The 2 accounts created in 2018 will both use mirror mode but their botting styles I'll try to arrange differently. The one from 2012 will be botted safer than the other 2 but without mirror mode. I need a little advice however on avoiding being flagged for manual review. Can you please list some of the training spots/strategies that have a higher risk of being flagged for the following skills: fletching, crafting, fishing, woodcutting, all 5 combat stats, agility, and hunter? I plan to do the other stats by hand (rcing, herb, thieving, mining, smithing, etc). All 3 accounts will be questing as well as I try to get a max account. 

I know asking you all to list heavily watched training areas is a lot of work but if anyone is interested that would greatly help. I am assuming that in order to avoid being flagged, I would need to completely avoid those training areas/strategies, even if I were to try legit training there?

Any other advice would be appreciated (either privately or in this thread) as I am just trying to get a maxed account, not gold farm. Will update if any of them receive a ban. P.S the last botted main I managed with a slightly more careless version of this strategy got to 1700 total levels, quest cape, and 90 agility before getting banned. The sad part of it all is I think firemaking in varrock was what got me reported and banned.


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