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funny League clip


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We had a catch on an enemy that was extended by himself but he got away. their toplaner threw down his tp is when we all backed off except this dude kept going AHAHA 

10 hours ago, D Bolter said:

why does your roommate want to engage when they have baron, great way to lose the game if 2-3 people die.


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That fight was very winnable if you followed up when Ali went in TBH no matter if Garen was TPing in or not. Even if you traded kills Ali for Garen you just traded a support for a top laner which is a win and with Anvia having blue buff + Veigar + you having your ults your team fight is better then theirs, baron or not that was not a bad call to go in on and fight instead of letting them siege with baron and you losing top inhib again.


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