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I got hacked for using a script


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Yesterday i got hacked for my bank 190m for using a certain script. (I will not say the name until i get a reply from the seller). if i don't get a answerr back i will make the name of the seller public.




I have been using this script for more than a year and never had problems unitl yesterday. My bank is cleaned. I am really sad atm I have put so many hours on my account.

And no i don't clicked on any fake links or visited fishy sites.

Has someone here hacked in the past using osbot?

How i have been hacked?

I want to speak to a Admin. please contact me.

This was my bank:


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6 minutes ago, scriptersteve said:

I highly doubt it was Osbot, unless it was a local script - SDN scripts are 100% fine

It is from a well known scripter with high positive feedbacks.

4 minutes ago, Charlotte said:

SDN scripts are fine. You got phished.

No it can't. I know this might sounds stupid but i know what i am doing.

7 minutes ago, Greengo said:

you sure you didn't host a giveaway?

are you trolling me? why?

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1 minute ago, nosepicker said:

You're giving way too little info. 

Was it a private script and were you required to enter your login info in order to use the script?

What makes you say that it has something to do with the script.

No it is a local script from a well known seller. Yes i have used my login info for automatic login and breaks but i have used this in the osbot setup.

If i have been hacked from this, That means osbot might not be trusted?

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6 minutes ago, Alen said:

It was sarcasm. Just tell me this, why don't the client and/or scripts hack me? I'm sitting on pretty much 10b across my mules and my main.

I don't know man. I am really sad i don't know what to do now. I have used my login info in the osbot setup for automatic login and breaks. Was it because of that?

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