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Cryptocurrency & making bank!


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3 hours ago, IDontEB said:

merch clans only worked for the top levels.

If you were in merch clans and didn't go into it knowing that the higher ups had an advantage, you deserved to lose money lol.


Not advocating for this at all, people shouldn't go into these groups expecting to make money.

It's all a gamble, only put up what you're willing to lose.

But there is money to be made.

Edited by THS
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8 hours ago, Dbuffed said:

I appreciate the link and the concept of what they are trying to pull is smart but fuck that. 

I’m looking at it as a 50/50, but even then that’s fucked up.

There are winners & losers, there can be money made, however you gotta have fast hands, internet and some money you're WILLING to lose.

Don't put your savings into cryptos. The market these days are controlled by these type of groups and a lot of newbies entering the crypto scene are losing money.

My advice is to hold whatever you bought, don't panick with a slight dip... in 80% of the cases it will bounce back to even or even profit.

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