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How to handle webwalking reaching attempt treshold


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Ok first things first, i am not sure if it is a bug or if i can do something about it. But in certain situations the webwalking fails me with "WebWalkingEvent; Terminated! Exceeded attempt threshold."

I am quite confused what does that mean. I know that the path exists. The same webwalking snippet found the path from other positions. For example when this occurs to me is when i webwalk to Vannaka. I have varrock tele and brass key in inventory, along with few other teles (dueling,games,falador,camelot). It works from most places, i have webwalked there from several different banks (lumby,camelot,castle wars and maybe others i dont remember all), but when i try to webwalk from varrocks northern prayer altar it fails with the mentioned output. I even paused the script, trying walking a bit south, that did not fix it, but when i teleproted to falador and then tried, it worked again.

Area i am walking from (the prayer altar) : new Area(new Position(3252,3485,0),new Position(3255,3484,0));

Area i am walking to (around Vannaka) : new Area(new Position(3145,9915,0),new Position(3148,9912,0)); 

This is the snippet i use for webwalking : 

public static void webWalkToDest(Area destination,Script script){
        WebWalkEvent event = new WebWalkEvent(destination);
        PathPreferenceProfile ppp = new PathPreferenceProfile();

How can i get around this? Is there a way, can i maybe increase the treshold somehow? is it a bug? I am not sure, any advice would be appreciated.

Most of all i dont understand how do i reach the treshold when i am closer to the target location than when i am not.

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1 hour ago, anderiel said:

Ok first things first, i am not sure if it is a bug or if i can do something about it. But in certain situations the webwalking fails me with "WebWalkingEvent; Terminated! Exceeded attempt threshold."

I am quite confused what does that mean. I know that the path exists. The same webwalking snippet found the path from other positions. For example when this occurs to me is when i webwalk to Vannaka. I have varrock tele and brass key in inventory, along with few other teles (dueling,games,falador,camelot). It works from most places, i have webwalked there from several different banks (lumby,camelot,castle wars and maybe others i dont remember all), but when i try to webwalk from varrocks northern prayer altar it fails with the mentioned output. I even paused the script, trying walking a bit south, that did not fix it, but when i teleproted to falador and then tried, it worked again.

Area i am walking from (the prayer altar) : new Area(new Position(3252,3485,0),new Position(3255,3484,0));

Area i am walking to (around Vannaka) : new Area(new Position(3145,9915,0),new Position(3148,9912,0)); 

This is the snippet i use for webwalking : 

public static void webWalkToDest(Area destination,Script script){
        WebWalkEvent event = new WebWalkEvent(destination);
        PathPreferenceProfile ppp = new PathPreferenceProfile();

How can i get around this? Is there a way, can i maybe increase the treshold somehow? is it a bug? I am not sure, any advice would be appreciated.

Most of all i dont understand how do i reach the treshold when i am closer to the target location than when i am not.


Just because you can walk from a particular starting position to a destination, does not mean you can walk from another starting point to that same destination. It depends on whether the web walker has a path all the way.

Steps to try:

  1. Try just using getWalking().webWalk(destination) instead of your custom event (if this works then there is an issue with your event)
  2. Try web walking from outside of the prayer altar building (if this succeeds then you need to request for the devs to add a web walk link for the prayer altar building)
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44 minutes ago, Team Cape said:

Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Vannaka in edgeville dungeon? I'm not sure that the webwalker supports edgeville dungeon...

You did not read the post, did you? I stated that i can webwalk from different places there. It is supported.


30 minutes ago, Explv said:


Just because you can walk from a particular starting position to a destination, does not mean you can walk from another starting point to that same destination. It depends on whether the web walker has a path all the way.

Steps to try:

  1. Try just using getWalking().webWalk(destination) instead of your custom event (if this works then there is an issue with your event)
  2. Try web walking from outside of the prayer altar building (if this succeeds then you need to request for the devs to add a web walk link for the prayer altar building)

1. I can try that, but i stopped using that because it does not have teleports enabled (but true that for this case teleports are not neccessary). I would like to have only one way of using webwalking not to have to combine them.

2. You didnt read the whole thing either, did you now? :D As i said, i tried walking away, went almost to varrock east bank, but still nothing. Only after teleporting it found a way. I dont think it is a missing link, when a link is missing then i just get a no path found error. And also i webwalked to the altar, so the way should exist.

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Well the script.walking.webWalk() works, but its not the ideal solution, complicates my code needlesly. If i encounted more problematic areas i will have a lot of if statements which webwalking to use. 

I would still want to know what the issue is and how to avoid it. Are there any sources about the webwalking? Like how does it operate, and when do situations like this happen? 

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16 minutes ago, Alek said:

You didn't mention if the web walker started walking to the position or not, I'm assuming it did. Also prefetch is a boolean, check if it prefetches correctly before executing. 

It did not start walking. If prefetch failed, would it cause this? And if it did, i was trying the same walk until i stopped it, so i guess the odds of prefetch failing every single time are low?

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41 minutes ago, anderiel said:

You did not read the post, did you? I stated that i can webwalk from different places there. It is supported.


1. I can try that, but i stopped using that because it does not have teleports enabled (but true that for this case teleports are not neccessary). I would like to have only one way of using webwalking not to have to combine them.

2. You didnt read the whole thing either, did you now? :D As i said, i tried walking away, went almost to varrock east bank, but still nothing. Only after teleporting it found a way. I dont think it is a missing link, when a link is missing then i just get a no path found error. And also i webwalked to the altar, so the way should exist.


1. Well I suggested that so you could figure out if it is an issue with the teleports or objects options.

2. My apologies for not reading your whole post with 100% focus and care, I'll be sure to not reply in the future with suggestions. Good luck with your bug


Edited by Explv
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