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APA Rooftop Agility


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1 minute ago, lillbazz said:

@Apaec why is the script immediately logging out when i start the script? Doing: Faladoor rooftop, log out at reaching level (2 levels above me), no spells, alle options enabled. It will not even walk or do anything he is immediately logging out my account?

Never mind i found it; it will not do the agility course cause i'm low hp and the next fall will kill me. Maybe make a option in the GUI?

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5 hours ago, lillbazz said:

Never mind i found it; it will not do the agility course cause i'm low hp and the next fall will kill me. Maybe make a option in the GUI?

Glad you got the issue sorted! Not sure how an option in the GUI would help though?

Also, in future, if you open the console logger it will tell you the exact reason the script logs out, if it does so unexpectedly. 


5 hours ago, dunarky said:

Could i have trial ? would like to see how it works and maybe buy it if its goodieez!

Certainly, done! :)

3 hours ago, jacobas said:

Is this script can teleport to seers village when completes the lap?

If it does i would like to have a trial

It doesn't as of yet. It's something on my to-do list though!

Sorry about that :(

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So I was cycling through the agility scripts to see which auto-walks to the canfis rooftop course from the GE and booted yours. APA 200 IQ club confirmed. Tree Spirit to Gnome Stronghold, Glider to Lumberyard and run to canfis. All these years i've been playing and it never occured to me take that route. GG.

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7 hours ago, ExitPoint said:

The trial isn't showing up for me? 


It looks like you've already had a trial with the expiry timestamp 2018-02-20 19:59:16 UTC

Unfortunately I can't offer multiple trials, sorry about that! :(


(Posted same reply on both threads)

15 hours ago, ACIDMONG said:

So I was cycling through the agility scripts to see which auto-walks to the canfis rooftop course from the GE and booted yours. APA 200 IQ club confirmed. Tree Spirit to Gnome Stronghold, Glider to Lumberyard and run to canfis. All these years i've been playing and it never occured to me take that route. GG.

Haha, this made my day!

14 hours ago, Lunar said:

Can I have a trail on this


Sure, done! :)

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