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APA Rooftop Agility


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2 hours ago, bertil1 said:
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Can you add so the bot will alch when run from last obstacle to the start again? like at seers when bot jump down at the end it run back to bank but start alch when reach the bank

Not easily - the OSBot walking system is in use in this situation - as a result, without writing my own, I would not be able to perform actions mid-way. Writing my own would sacrifice the reliability, support, future proofing and simplicity that the OSBot system provides. I understand that it is not ideal, but I believe the way it works at the moment is the better side of a closely balanced compromise!


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13 hours ago, Roflmao232 said:

Trial please and thank you

Sure - done!

4 hours ago, JCY said:

A really good script, only wish is to use teleports to go between locations!

Glad you like it! This is something that I can add to the script if there is enough demand. However, you will need to have the teleports on you for it to work (e.g be carrying falador tablets for progressive mode to go from canifis -> falador etc). The script would have no interaction with the bank.

Cheers for the suggestion!


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On 6/1/2018 at 4:38 AM, PotentialHzrd said:

Could I please get a trial.

Unfortunately, as is the case with all other scripters, I am not allowed to offer trials to users whose OSBot accounts are under a week old regardless of rank (this is an OSBot rule). Sorry about that - please come back on friday!


20 hours ago, FapBoy said:

can i have a trial please? i currently have a paid agility script but im not happy with how it runs seers/poll courses its very bot like & steps on the same box before starting up the next lap id be more than welcome to buy if i feel like it can do these courses reliably thanks ! 

Certainly - trial activated! 

12 hours ago, luckyweez said:

Can I have trial? ?

edit: I bought the script because I know your sand crab script was very good, but it seems to get stuck at polivneach 3 times now!

will edit post if it gets fixed or solved.

Apologies I was late to getting a trial to you - i'm out of the country at the moment! Sorry to hear that you're having issues at Polnivneach. I just did a test run and the script seemed to work fine - if the script gets stuck it should recover (recently there has been a few problems with particular camera angles causing the script to pause). If you're still having issues, perhaps try zooming your game camera out a bit - this sometimes helps prevent this issue from occurring!



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