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AIO Farming

Eagle Scripts

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7 hours ago, Barnie said:

yeah it works flawlessly when using less patches. Anyway, it would be great if you could add combat bracelet for teleport to ranging guild, much closer to Ardougne patch, When you feel you have more free time. And maybe have it equip teleport jewelry? And usage of spell book teleports and/or tabs? Otherwise great script!




Sometimes it teleport multiply times to Falador park when using ring of wealth. The script seems like it want you close to the fence before continuing.

Got it. Please remind me in 1-2 weeks :).

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Digging the bot so far!

One little hiccup though that hopefully someone can help me fix.

Is there any reason it runs all the way to falador to fill up the watering can? I have multiple full ones in my bank, seems kind of weird that it wont use my teletabs to get there either, literally chooses to run from catherby all the way there to refill the can before logging out for its wait time break

Edited by colt45w
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9 hours ago, colt45w said:

Digging the bot so far!

One little hiccup though that hopefully someone can help me fix.

Is there any reason it runs all the way to falador to fill up the watering can? I have multiple full ones in my bank, seems kind of weird that it wont use my teletabs to get there either, literally chooses to run from catherby all the way there to refill the can before logging out for its wait time break

I've been made aware about this issue and will probably address the matter by either making it support teleportation to falador or support multiple waterpump locations throughout the map.

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11 hours ago, JHZBlanco said:

Hey! Would you consider adding support for "Bottomless compost bucket". I think that would help with the full inventory issue.

Maybe it’ll get added in a few weeks :).

5 hours ago, TheWetSausage said:

Any chance of Tithe Farm support in the future?

Not really to be frank.

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