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AIO Farming

Eagle Scripts

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2 hours ago, shpat said:

The script shuts down automatically:\

Started random solver : Welcome Screen
[INFO][Bot #1][03/16 05:13:53 PM]: Random solver exited : Welcome Screen
[INFO][Bot #1][03/16 05:13:53 PM]: Scheduling script background executors
[INFO][Bot #1][03/16 05:13:53 PM]: Caching Images
[ERROR][Bot #1][03/16 05:13:53 PM]: Error in script onStart(): AIO Farming
    at u.e.con.c(aa:10)
    at u.e.con.c(aa:77)
    at core.e.e.aUX.c(kc:81)
    at core.MainDriver.onStart(fc:21)
    at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor.IIiiIiIIiii(xg:313)
    at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor.start(xg:487)
    at org.osbot.Wb.iiiIiiiIIIi(et:9)
    at org.osbot.bc.iiiIiiiIIIi(cs:542)
    at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source)
    at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(Unknown Source)
    at java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source

[INFO][Bot #1][03/16 05:13:53 PM]: Terminating script AIO Farming...
[INFO][Bot #1][03/16 05:13:53 PM]: Saving Cache
[INFO][Bot #1][03/16 05:13:53 PM]: Script AIO Farming has exited!

Make sure to check a few of my last replies on the thread here. You can resolve this on your end for now.

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On 8/27/2017 at 2:40 PM, Eagle Scripts said:


Eagle Scripts' AIO Farming


What is AIO Farming
AIO Farming is a fully customizable Farming Script that helps you gain those Farming Levels

What does AIO Farming support
- Fully Customizable*
- Profile System
- Caching System**
- Uses Tool Leprechaun To Note Items
- Logs Out After All Patches Are Done. Once Any Patch Needs Any Interaction, The Script Will Login.

* The User can choose what locations to farm on, what patches to work with and what plants to farm on specific patches
** As long as you're using profiles, the script will utilize data from any previous script runs


Progress Reports





Locations Supported
- Ardougne
- Brimhaven
- Canifis
- Catherby

- Falador
- Farming Guild
- Kourend
- Lletya
- Lumbridge
- Varrock
- Tree Gnome Stronghold
- Tree Gnome Village
- Tai Bwo Wannai

Plants Supported
- All Herbs
- All Allotments
- All Trees
- All Fruit Trees
- Calquat Tree
- All Cacti
- Flowers 
(Marigold & Nasturtium, Limpwurt)

GUI Startup
Make sure to: Select a FarmingLocation, add FarmingPatches to it, choose a TraversingMethod and thén add the actual FarmingLocation to the queue.

Please note that this script does not support the spellbook for traversing.

CLI Startup
The script's Id is 986.
The script's only CLI parameter is the profile name that you'd like to load.
Beware: The name can not contain any spaces.



  Reveal hidden contents

V0.01 Initial Beta Release
V0.02 Paint Toggling Added (Click on the paint)
V0.03 Cabbage Problems Fixed
V0.04 GUI Changes Made + Item Deselecting Added
V0.05 Custom Pathing Added For Broken WebWalking Links
V0.91 Supercompost Problems Solved + Flower Support Added
V0.92 SettingsChanging Added. Script Now Toggles Game Chat Filter By Itself
V0.93 SettingsChanging Now Works With Widget Checks Instead Of Configs
V0.94 CanLoginWithoutcrashingAnyCycle Fixed +Ultracompost Added + Option To Use 0 Plant Cure Added
V0.95 New API BotMouseListener Implemented
V0.96 Dropping Issue Fixed + Watering Cans Usage Made Optionally
V0.97 Ardougne To Catherby Now Uses Teleport Tab + Login Stuck Problem Solved
V0.972 Watering Can Issues Fixed + Saving Now Implements Watering Cans As well
V0.973 Instantly Logging Out For Breaking
V0.98 Resupplying At Closest Bank Has Been Added
V0.99 Custom Traversing Methods Added
V1.00 Canifis FarmingLocation Added + Ectophial TraversingMethod Added
V1.01 Kharyll Teleport + Salve Graveyard Teleport Added
V1.02 Fenkenstrain's Teleport Added
V1.03 Dynamic Patch Compost Usage Added + Dynamic Seed Counting Per Plant Added
V1.041 Fixed Single Seed Withdrawing
V1.042 Removal OfNon Farming-Related Items Added
V1.043 Moving Camera To Patch Added
V1.044 Enhanced Canifis Data
V1.045 Combat Evading Added
V1.046 Only Withdraws Needed Amount Of Seeds And TraversingItems Now + Paint Version Added
V1.047 Combat Evading Edited
V1.048 POH Portal Traversing Fixed
V1.049 Game Chat Filter Toggling Fixed + Camera To Patch Conditional Sleep Added
V1.06 Farming Guild Location + Skills Necklace TraversingMethod Added
V1.071 Hosidus Teleport Tab Name Changed
V1.071 Fixed Skills Necklace + Patch Traversing + Added Battlefront TeleportTab
V1.072 Fixed Supplying Of Watering Cans
V1.073 Fixed Patch Traversing Issue + WebWalking Teleport Overriding Removed
V1.074 Added Limpwurt Plant

V1.1 Added Trees & Fruit Trees + Added Lletya location + Added Patch Data Caching + Added new paint + Added 10 new TraversingMethods
V1.11 Magic Tree Data + Teleport Crystal Withdrawing + Supplying Logic After Patch + Gnome Stronghold Patches Traveling Fixed
V1.12 Fixed Idling In Bank When Supplied

V1.13 Data has been modified for new Kourend location
V1.14 Added support for traversing items up to 8 teleports + change Yew tree data
V1.15 Added Snapegrass + Bottomless compost bucket support & fixed tomato watering
V1.16 Fixed double usage of bottomless compost bucket  + displayed breaking time in paint
V1.17 Made changes to SpiritTreeTraversing & unwanted item depositing
V1.18 Fixed Pineapple tree data
V1.19 Added Brimhaven teleport tab
V1.21 Fixed plant cure being an unwanted item
V1.22 Added various traversing methods
V1.23 Added support to handle trees that are already being taken care of
V1.24 Fixed teleport crystal + Now won't immediately bank after using the last teleport tab in a run
V1.25 Reverted banking changes of previous version
V1.26 Fixed Yew tree data
V1.27 Fixed script image & fixed Discord invite link in paint & added WalkingTraversing & added support to loot dropped limpwurt roots
V1.28 Fixed yew tree protection payment issue
V1.29 Fixed WalkingTraversing
V1.30 Updated combat evading for the Vampyre at Canifis
V1.31 Attempted to fix GUI issue
V1.32 Attempted to fix Combat Evading crashing the Canifis patch 
V1.33 Added support for the new OSBot UI
V1.34 Added Farming Guild bank chest
V1.4 Added CLI support
V1.41 Removed old static path walking in Kourend
V1.42 Added new static pathing for Kourend
V1.43 Added FarmingCapeTraversing and fixed MinigameTeleportTraversing
V1.44 Fixed paint ExperienceTracker locale issues
V1.45 FarmingCapeTraversing now supports trimmed capes
V1.46 Added Cacti support, Added Farming Guild Beginner cactus patch, Added celestrus tree support, Added Farming Guild Advanced Celestrus tree patch & fruit tree patch
V1.47 No longer requires Falador tabs if no watering cans are being used and merely walking is being used as traversing
V1.48 Fixed game chat filter grabbing
V1.49 Attempted to lower script's resource usage over longer periods of time
V1.5 Added Calquat Tree support. Added TwaiBwoWannaiTeleportTraversing. Added Fishing Guild to SkillsNecklaceTraversing.
V1.51 Fixed build errors. The previous two pushed versions should now actually be working, including their added features.
V1.52 Script will randomly assign a position if it can't find the most suitable one when walking closer to a patch
V1.521 Fixed typo with trimmed farming skillcape
V1.53 Fixed Willow tree data + Attempted to fix MinigameTeleportTraversing due to interface changes.
V1.54 Attempted to fix issue with uncharged Skills Necklace being withdrawn & Added SkillsNecklaceTraversing#Woodcutting_Guild & Fixed MinigameTeleportTraversing
V1.56 Attempted to fix issue with static walking from Kourend patch
V1.58 Added simple instructions dialog
V1.59 Attempted to fix issues in the Farming Guild
V1.60 Attempted to fix Feral vampyre dying issues + null selected item issue
V1.61 Changed oak tree data
V1.62 Attempted Fix For Generating Position Closer To Patch
V1.63 Changes to protection payment NPC handling + using static positions to walk closer to patch where needed
V1.65 Added Dragonfruit tree support
V1.66 Added new tree interactions for Farming Guild


Can i make potted trees with this AIO Script? 

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6 minutes ago, Monkeyn4t said:

in the new ring of dueling teleports it would get stuck on tree runs using ring of dueling to use the gnome glider teleport 

will you be adding the new varlamore farming patches?

Yeah but stuck in which sense? Please send me a message on Discord such that we can discuss your RoD issue and the topic of Varlamore patches

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