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Moving 1 square from position[solved]


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Trying to move 1 square south from current positon on a message, I thought this would work but it doens't seem to be :s

It gets the correct positions in the log just wont walk

    		  getX = myPlayer().getX();
    		  getY = myPlayer().getY() - 1;
    		  log("X " + getX + " Y " + getY);
    	  	newSpot = new Position (getX,getY,0);
    	  	log (newSpot);


Edited by GPSwap
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1 hour ago, GPSwap said:

Trying to move 1 square south from current positon on a message, I thought this would work but it doens't seem to be :s

It gets the correct positions in the log just wont walk

    		  getX = myPlayer().getX();
    		  getY = myPlayer().getY() - 1;
    		  log("X " + getX + " Y " + getY);
    	  	newSpot = new Position (getX,getY,0);
    	  	log (newSpot);

What he said is definitely a life saver, another thing I used to do before I had known that method (although I knew the tile deviation for walking 1 tile) I would check if my player was on that exact position, then if not I would just hover the tile and left click mouse.

if(miningGuildIron[1] != null && miningGuildIron[1].isVisible() && myPosition() != miningGuildIron[1])	{
	sleep(random(411, 611));
	sleep(random(1412, 2211));



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