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Announcing OSBot 2!


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The lack of response to any meaningful post in here is quite disturbing. Users have expressed their skepticism and concerns and they go unnoticed. I am new to the community, but there seems to be a disconnect between the people responsible for updating OSBot and the people who are creating the scripts for the users. I hope some of the concerns will be addressed soon enough.


I am particularly interested in the new web-walking. How is this being implemented? Also, if you guys are looking for help to develop this, I would be very interested in the opportunity. Let me know.

Simply because I do not reply to the thread within minutes does not mean anything disturbing. I hope that most of your concerns were answered with the previous reply. As for web-walking, we've dumped data from about 1.3K map regions in RuneScape which is about 90% of the world map. We will be using this data with a combination of efficient algorithms to make web-walking fully automated and dynamic. It has not been fully planned however our development team has discussed the various options and we believe the right one will be written for OSBot 2. More info on web walking will be released as more development arises.


Also, for those concerned that OSBot will support RS3. RS3 support will not be released right away. OSBot 2 will be designed in a way that an RS3 bot could be integrated. This does not mean that we are not focusing on 07. 07scape will come first. RS3 support will be a special update scheduled for OSBot 2.



You're right, I was being very impatient and I apologize for that. Very interesting information though, I'm looking forward to seeing how things shape up with the new project.

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