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I'm actually scared to keep botting my account. I got questcape on it today and basically every stat on it is botted. But my babypure got insta perm banned so i'm scared the same will happen to this. This account never had a ban before though.



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On 16/6/2017 at 3:46 PM, dmms659 said:

ivew heared somewhere that 2day is just a time period where they review ur acc


also what does bot busting moderate mean? automated bans or a manual?

the moderate ban means that the System caught you, the perm ban(when you first get caught) is from a moderator.
if you get a secondary ban after your 2 day one, it's mostlikely gonna be perm.

Edited by Krysler
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On ‎17‎/‎06‎/‎2017 at 4:01 PM, mercylad said:

I'm actually scared to keep botting my account. I got questcape on it today and basically every stat on it is botted. But my babypure got insta perm banned so i'm scared the same will happen to this. This account never had a ban before though.



Max the account. Go full or don't go.

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4 minutes ago, Jason Lost Bank said:

wait a year for the 2day ban to be expired, then do it again.

I recently did this. got another 2day ban. the account is well over 2k total :D

Lol, this really works? Ive mostly heard that after 2 day expires(one year) you still get PERM. 

Paying Jagex makes no difference, you will still get banned.

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