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  On 9/3/2021 at 5:10 PM, Apaec said:


Thanks for the suggestion! :) You're right that this script could use a refresh, and unfortunately there's no mechanism for saving settings at this time. The user experience is quite clunky, and it's awkward to set up as you have found. I've added this to my task tracker and will action this when I next have a spare moment.




Awesome, Boss! Thank you for your time and consideration!

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Hey there, just wanted to give a heads up. Would be perfect if mirror was smoother <3

Mining Lvl: 1-38
Pickaxe: steel to addy
Drop/Banking: power mine
Loc: Rimmy/Varrock
Mirror Mode

The script frequently clicks on the ore that im mining as soon as the exp drops - Itll just stand there for a few seconds before clicking the other rock. (2 rock formation)
Other than that, works as intended. Hope those can be ironed out to stop those weird clicks.

update: it occasionally clicks on the minimap - the pixel where the character is standing which basically does nothing.

Edited by Flex0rnaut
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Thanks for this. Unforuntately the script currently doesn't work in mirror mode. An issue with the frequency of reporting of entity id changes means that the script falls out of sync with the state of the game, as you've observed. For best results, please swtich to stealth injection where you should hopefully see the script run smoothly :)


  On 9/9/2021 at 3:19 PM, Flex0rnaut said:

Hey there, just wanted to give a heads up. Would be perfect if mirror was smoother <3

Mining Lvl: 1-38
Pickaxe: steel to addy
Drop/Banking: power mine
Loc: Rimmy/Varrock
Mirror Mode

The script frequently clicks on the ore that im mining as soon as the exp drops - Itll just stand there for a few seconds before clicking the other rock. (2 rock formation)
Other than that, works as intended. Hope those can be ironed out to stop those weird clicks.

update: it occasionally clicks on the minimap - the pixel where the character is standing which basically does nothing.



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  • 3 weeks later...
  On 9/29/2021 at 10:31 AM, rockstarmilo said:

how do i get the coordinates for the ores?


Did you read the whole intro?

Setup Guide:

  1. Add the script to your collection via the SDN
  2. Start up OSBot (or refresh your scripts list), then run the script
  3. After the GUI (startup interface) shows up, enable human input by cycling the input button next to the pause/stop buttons
  4. Select the rocks that you wish to mine via the game screen:
    • Make sure that the rock is not mined when you select it.
    • Make sure the rock tile is outlined on-screen and the rock data appears on the GUI.
    • You can remove rocks either by deselecting them in-game, or by manually removing them from the GUI. Currently selected rocks are highlighted in cyan.
  5. Disable human input once you have selected your desired rocks (Settings>[check] disable input)
  6. Configure the settings tab to your liking
    • If banking, be sure to select the closest bank to your mining location. Note that the banking code relies on the OSBot web-walking system, which can sometimes take a few seconds to calculate a route.
  7. Start the script with the button at the bottom of the GUI
  8. Relax


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  • 3 months later...


I was using the bot @ Al kharid mine with the 3 iron ore spot, when it got around 3-4 ore's the bot clicks on the minimap while im still standing in the still place, its very botlike..

and is there also a way to speed up the dropping a little bit ? it is very slow in my opinion atm

Edit: just saw the comment that you answered about exact the same thing, to bad that mirror mode isn't working well with this bot because stealth injection gets me banned in 10 minutes..

Edited by Dutchsmoker420
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