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 No Yoku Shin Ryu, literally meaning The Winged Divine Dragon of Ra)

Ra - The Sun of God Dragon, the representation of heaven and earth, is arguably the deadliest of the God cards. Ra made a brief first appearance when Jounouchi and Rishid were facing off in the final rounds of the Battle City tournament. However, that card was a copy of a God card, and as explained above, that is a no-no.

The current possessor of Ra is Malik Ishtahl, who's deck is in some ways based upon bringing the Ra card into play, either by summoning it normally, or using Raise Dead to bring it back into play. Either way, it wrecks havoc whenever it hits the Field.

Ra was then used in the battle of Malik versus Mai, Malik versus Bakura, and Malik versus Jounouchi. It's powers were exhibited during all of these duels. However, it is unknown if this is the true extent of Ra's power, of that Malik is hiding something more sinister.

In the comic, Ra has the following statistics

The Sun of God Dragon
Level: 10
Attack: ????
Defense: ????

[Ra's attack was named God Breath Cannon in the comic.]

(Yes, it is correct as written, including the question marks.)

The question marks are there for at least one reason, as it is related to its special ability. Though it is stated that Ra has three abilities, technically, Ra has FIVE. Though they are not written on the card, they are explained during each of the various battles that it has appeared in.

Ra's first "ability" (though it is not expressly stated as one of its special abilities in the comic) was explained by Rishid in his battle with Jounouchi.

This Monster's attack and defense strengths are equal to the total respective attack and defense strengths of the Monsters sacrificed to summon it.

[RULING CLARIFICATION: When you sacrifice the three Monsters to summon Ra, Ra's attack strength is equal to the total of those Monster's attack strengths, and Ra's defense strength is equal to the total of those Monster's defense strengths.]

[RULING CLARIFICATION: If you revive Ra from your Cemetery, it will have attack and defense strengths of 0.]

[UNKNOWN RULING: It is not know if Ra will have the same attack and defense strengths if one summons it out normally, is destroyed, and then revived.

Ra's second ability (first "official" stated ability) was shown in Malik's battle with Mai. Mai successfully summoned Ra, but all that happened was that it appeared as a metal sphere, known as Ra's "Sphere Mode." When Mai looked down at the Ra card in her Duel Disk, its text had changed to Hieratic. Malik chanted Hieratic, which not only activated Ra, but gave control of it to him.

Those who can read and speak Hieratic can gain control of Ra.

[UNKNOWN RULING: It is unknown what happens to Ra if both player's can speak Hieratic.]

Ra's next ability was not only demonstrated by Malik during his unofficial battle with Bakura, it was also reflected upon by Kaiba at the very same moment while studying exactly how to combat Ra in computer simulations.

This Monster is a Quick Summon.

[RULING CLARIFICATION: Ra can attack during the same turn that it is Special Summoned.]

[RULING INCONGRUITY: In the comic, Monsters that are Special Summoned must wait until the next turn in order to attack. However, in the real card game, this effect is pointless, as Monsters that have been Special Summoned CAN attack during the same turn.]

Ra has another ability that was also demonstrated in the battle with Bakura, and also reflected upon by Kaiba.

Pay all but 1 of your Life Points. Increase Ra's attack and defense strengths each by the number of Life Points you paid in this way.

[This ability was named 1 Turn Kill in the comic.]

[RULING CLARIFICATION: This ability apparently requires the user to speak Hieratic.]

[RULING CLARIFICATION: You reduce your Life Points to 1, and increase Ra's attack and defense strenths by how many points your Life Points were reduced.]

[EXAMPLE: Malik revived Ra. It's attack and defense strengths were 0. Malik had 4000 Life Points, and used Ra's ability. He reduced his Life Points to 1. Ra's attack and defense strengths each became 3999 (4000 - 1).

Ra's final ability was revealed by Malik during his battle with Jounouchi. He had used the ability to decimate Jounouchi's soul. Jounouchi survived for the moment, but the assault was too great, and fell prey to the Game of Darkness, just as Mai had.

Pay 1000 Life Points. Destroy 1 of your opponent's Monsters on the Field.

[This ability was named God Phoenix in the comic.]

[RULING CLARIFICATION: This ability apparently requires the user to speak Hieratic.]

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29 minutes ago, turkoize said:

 No Yoku Shin Ryu, literally meaning The Winged Divine Dragon of Ra)

Ra - The Sun of God Dragon, the representation of heaven and earth, is arguably the deadliest of the God cards. Ra made a brief first appearance when Jounouchi and Rishid were facing off in the final rounds of the Battle City tournament. However, that card was a copy of a God card, and as explained above, that is a no-no.

The current possessor of Ra is Malik Ishtahl, who's deck is in some ways based upon bringing the Ra card into play, either by summoning it normally, or using Raise Dead to bring it back into play. Either way, it wrecks havoc whenever it hits the Field.

Ra was then used in the battle of Malik versus Mai, Malik versus Bakura, and Malik versus Jounouchi. It's powers were exhibited during all of these duels. However, it is unknown if this is the true extent of Ra's power, of that Malik is hiding something more sinister.

In the comic, Ra has the following statistics

The Sun of God Dragon
Level: 10
Attack: ????
Defense: ????

[Ra's attack was named God Breath Cannon in the comic.]

(Yes, it is correct as written, including the question marks.)

The question marks are there for at least one reason, as it is related to its special ability. Though it is stated that Ra has three abilities, technically, Ra has FIVE. Though they are not written on the card, they are explained during each of the various battles that it has appeared in.

Ra's first "ability" (though it is not expressly stated as one of its special abilities in the comic) was explained by Rishid in his battle with Jounouchi.

This Monster's attack and defense strengths are equal to the total respective attack and defense strengths of the Monsters sacrificed to summon it.

[RULING CLARIFICATION: When you sacrifice the three Monsters to summon Ra, Ra's attack strength is equal to the total of those Monster's attack strengths, and Ra's defense strength is equal to the total of those Monster's defense strengths.]

[RULING CLARIFICATION: If you revive Ra from your Cemetery, it will have attack and defense strengths of 0.]

[UNKNOWN RULING: It is not know if Ra will have the same attack and defense strengths if one summons it out normally, is destroyed, and then revived.

Ra's second ability (first "official" stated ability) was shown in Malik's battle with Mai. Mai successfully summoned Ra, but all that happened was that it appeared as a metal sphere, known as Ra's "Sphere Mode." When Mai looked down at the Ra card in her Duel Disk, its text had changed to Hieratic. Malik chanted Hieratic, which not only activated Ra, but gave control of it to him.

Those who can read and speak Hieratic can gain control of Ra.

[UNKNOWN RULING: It is unknown what happens to Ra if both player's can speak Hieratic.]

Ra's next ability was not only demonstrated by Malik during his unofficial battle with Bakura, it was also reflected upon by Kaiba at the very same moment while studying exactly how to combat Ra in computer simulations.

This Monster is a Quick Summon.

[RULING CLARIFICATION: Ra can attack during the same turn that it is Special Summoned.]

[RULING INCONGRUITY: In the comic, Monsters that are Special Summoned must wait until the next turn in order to attack. However, in the real card game, this effect is pointless, as Monsters that have been Special Summoned CAN attack during the same turn.]

Ra has another ability that was also demonstrated in the battle with Bakura, and also reflected upon by Kaiba.

Pay all but 1 of your Life Points. Increase Ra's attack and defense strengths each by the number of Life Points you paid in this way.

[This ability was named 1 Turn Kill in the comic.]

[RULING CLARIFICATION: This ability apparently requires the user to speak Hieratic.]

[RULING CLARIFICATION: You reduce your Life Points to 1, and increase Ra's attack and defense strenths by how many points your Life Points were reduced.]

[EXAMPLE: Malik revived Ra. It's attack and defense strengths were 0. Malik had 4000 Life Points, and used Ra's ability. He reduced his Life Points to 1. Ra's attack and defense strengths each became 3999 (4000 - 1).

Ra's final ability was revealed by Malik during his battle with Jounouchi. He had used the ability to decimate Jounouchi's soul. Jounouchi survived for the moment, but the assault was too great, and fell prey to the Game of Darkness, just as Mai had.

Pay 1000 Life Points. Destroy 1 of your opponent's Monsters on the Field.

[This ability was named God Phoenix in the comic.]

[RULING CLARIFICATION: This ability apparently requires the user to speak Hieratic.]


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On 5/22/2017 at 6:13 PM, turkoize said:

 No Yoku Shin Ryu, literally meaning The Winged Divine Dragon of Ra)

Ra - The Sun of God Dragon, the representation of heaven and earth, is arguably the deadliest of the God cards. Ra made a brief first appearance when Jounouchi and Rishid were facing off in the final rounds of the Battle City tournament. However, that card was a copy of a God card, and as explained above, that is a no-no.

The current possessor of Ra is Malik Ishtahl, who's deck is in some ways based upon bringing the Ra card into play, either by summoning it normally, or using Raise Dead to bring it back into play. Either way, it wrecks havoc whenever it hits the Field.

Ra was then used in the battle of Malik versus Mai, Malik versus Bakura, and Malik versus Jounouchi. It's powers were exhibited during all of these duels. However, it is unknown if this is the true extent of Ra's power, of that Malik is hiding something more sinister.

In the comic, Ra has the following statistics

The Sun of God Dragon
Level: 10
Attack: ????
Defense: ????

[Ra's attack was named God Breath Cannon in the comic.]

(Yes, it is correct as written, including the question marks.)

The question marks are there for at least one reason, as it is related to its special ability. Though it is stated that Ra has three abilities, technically, Ra has FIVE. Though they are not written on the card, they are explained during each of the various battles that it has appeared in.

Ra's first "ability" (though it is not expressly stated as one of its special abilities in the comic) was explained by Rishid in his battle with Jounouchi.

This Monster's attack and defense strengths are equal to the total respective attack and defense strengths of the Monsters sacrificed to summon it.

[RULING CLARIFICATION: When you sacrifice the three Monsters to summon Ra, Ra's attack strength is equal to the total of those Monster's attack strengths, and Ra's defense strength is equal to the total of those Monster's defense strengths.]

[RULING CLARIFICATION: If you revive Ra from your Cemetery, it will have attack and defense strengths of 0.]

[UNKNOWN RULING: It is not know if Ra will have the same attack and defense strengths if one summons it out normally, is destroyed, and then revived.

Ra's second ability (first "official" stated ability) was shown in Malik's battle with Mai. Mai successfully summoned Ra, but all that happened was that it appeared as a metal sphere, known as Ra's "Sphere Mode." When Mai looked down at the Ra card in her Duel Disk, its text had changed to Hieratic. Malik chanted Hieratic, which not only activated Ra, but gave control of it to him.

Those who can read and speak Hieratic can gain control of Ra.

[UNKNOWN RULING: It is unknown what happens to Ra if both player's can speak Hieratic.]

Ra's next ability was not only demonstrated by Malik during his unofficial battle with Bakura, it was also reflected upon by Kaiba at the very same moment while studying exactly how to combat Ra in computer simulations.

This Monster is a Quick Summon.

[RULING CLARIFICATION: Ra can attack during the same turn that it is Special Summoned.]

[RULING INCONGRUITY: In the comic, Monsters that are Special Summoned must wait until the next turn in order to attack. However, in the real card game, this effect is pointless, as Monsters that have been Special Summoned CAN attack during the same turn.]

Ra has another ability that was also demonstrated in the battle with Bakura, and also reflected upon by Kaiba.

Pay all but 1 of your Life Points. Increase Ra's attack and defense strengths each by the number of Life Points you paid in this way.

[This ability was named 1 Turn Kill in the comic.]

[RULING CLARIFICATION: This ability apparently requires the user to speak Hieratic.]

[RULING CLARIFICATION: You reduce your Life Points to 1, and increase Ra's attack and defense strenths by how many points your Life Points were reduced.]

[EXAMPLE: Malik revived Ra. It's attack and defense strengths were 0. Malik had 4000 Life Points, and used Ra's ability. He reduced his Life Points to 1. Ra's attack and defense strengths each became 3999 (4000 - 1).

Ra's final ability was revealed by Malik during his battle with Jounouchi. He had used the ability to decimate Jounouchi's soul. Jounouchi survived for the moment, but the assault was too great, and fell prey to the Game of Darkness, just as Mai had.

Pay 1000 Life Points. Destroy 1 of your opponent's Monsters on the Field.

[This ability was named God Phoenix in the comic.]

[RULING CLARIFICATION: This ability apparently requires the user to speak Hieratic.]

um ok

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