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Muffins Dispute


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Disputed member: Muffins

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Explanation: I purchased 20 of his accounts on May 9th, and waited 24h for cooldown to see if they were locked and/or banned, All of them except 1 were locked/banned, the 1 that wasn't was not even completed tutorial island so I feel as he was rushing the account sales so he could just profit off me faster without checking the status of the accounts. I message him on the 10th stating what has happened and he ensures me I will be compensated by the 14th (I give him an extra 4 days to make more so he can replace them). 14th comes and I PM him on skype again and he says "by tonight ill have your replacements :) sorry for the wait, we just want to make sure no more bans occur after sale!" so then I wait until that night and nothing gets sent to me. For the next 3 days I message him once a day and he is completely ignoring me now even though I can obviously see him roaming the OSBOT forums.



dispute 4.png

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