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Fire hazard is not a thing!


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Hey, I'm Mencista, people also know me as Frez and this will be my journey, my goldfarming progress :D

This wont be the same goldfarming progress report thread as every other is :D

What I will do is get the best private scripters to script me a method and we will be able to see how far will we get with it :D (Juggles, Eagle, Saiyan....) 

I will start with @Juggles I've bought a script from him yesterday, nothing major but its good to get us going :D

Ofcourse my man @Lewis will supply accounts :D



Day 1:

  • Bought a script from Juggles for 25M
  • Bought 50 accounts from Lewis for 5m 
                          Total expense = 30m
  • Ran 12 accounts because script had a little problem and I managed to make 2m overnight anyway. It's a start :P 
Day 2: Will update tomorrow :D
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