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Im fucking pissed off


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Hey, I have a little story.. ( sorry for bad eng)

So yesterday I had a idea. Lets start botting again, I had botted in the past alot. Lots of accounts, lots of gp etc.

So I came  here and saw, people sell 70/70/60 accounts for 10-15m! I was very suprised and wanted to try also.

First when I posted my account for sale, I got roasted and people were yelling and so. Then I tought fuck it, ill take a look later.

Then my friend called me and said, "hey bro I missed bus, I have 1h and its cold outside. Can I crash to your place?

I was like "yea sure"

He came here, I talked about my idea and so. Then he logged in to his account (that account what im logged in atm) and watched around and so, then he went to the bus. I tried to log on my account, and what I see.


Im like, okay fuck that im going to tell it to an admin or mod and it will be ok.

But no. They dont give a f***.

Back to the account selling, I look at my post and ppl say, "you need 100 PC to sell accounts".

So I start giving feedback to Scripters and price check accounts and so to get "PC". And then I get another warning.. For spamming?!

Really? So after that they fucking reset my post count, and talk alot of bs. I tought fuck it, Im going to make a post and quit tring, when people f*** me so hard..

Im so pissed off of that. I tought "yeaa im coming to this site, all g, I make profit, ppl get what they want and so.." 

but no. Instead of that I get lots of fucking brain cancer and shittalk in my face..

Do people who want just want to sell stuff in this site, have to post 100 times on peoples post?

I just want to sell accounts, not communicate with people online.. I have real friends, friend that I know in real life..

I hope other ppl will not experience the same.. This made me think soo much diffrent of this site and the "staff"..



Thanks for reading, 




EDIT: I just want to make some profit and want to join this community.. Not to get banned every time..

Edited by gerfz
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Haha :facep: Why don't you speak the truth? 

1) From the start you've had atleast 3+ accounts. Ok we banned them and told you not to make any more accounts

2) We told you yesterday on your other account 'reintalrichard' not to make account sell topics in the request section just because you dont have 100 PC

3) You spammed liek 50 posts in 10-15 mins saying nice script good script funny script good when I bet you don't own half of them :???:

4) When we warned you twice for spamming you decided to make a new account this one and then spam yet again and make anoher account sell topic in the request section


Either you're just stupid or oblivious to the rules of this community 

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  • Saiyan locked this topic

Posting "Feedback" on scripts you dont have nor tried is spam. Having 3 accounts is against the rules. 

You are welcome to join the community as well as sell whatever things you want to sell. However, we do not take lightly to rule breaking which you seem to have a habit of doing. (Spamming & Multiple accounts). 

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