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efficiency/math help (if you like casual math, open this thread)


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I need help finding out which method is most efficient.


alright so I'm going to try to lay out the background, bear with me as I am writing this high


I'm going to use the alphabet instead of the name of the items to protect my farm.



I obtain Item A at the rate of 5040/hr, the item has no prerequisites



I obtain Item at the rate of 14625/hr, in order to obtain B, I must consume my A



I obtain Item C at the rate of 25200/hr, in order to obtain C, I must consume my B, and purchase D off the ge.




Time A

Time > B

B + D + Time > C




A could be bought off the ge for 50 (Extremely limited market, (60kish/2-3days)


B could be bought off the ge for 160


C is sold for 400 each


D is bought for 75 each



What I'm asking is, is it more efficient to buy, A, then go to C through the creation process. Or, is it more efficient to buy B and skip A all together.


I feel like I formatted my question badly...


Is it most efficient to create all the items myself (except for D, obviously), or is it more efficient to buy an item to skip that process then continue to the other creations...


ie. I want to make 500k of item C


That would take 152.37 hours total (actually correct math) if I got everything myself.


Let's say (hypothetically; incorrect/unchecked numbers) that if I cut out getting A, and just bought it instead, and it took me less time, would that less time make up for the money I had to spend on A?


so 152.37 hours for 500k of item C is 150m


if it took less time to make Item C at the cost of ~20,000,000 (500k of Item A) ...lost my train of thought


would I make more gp/hr gathering all the stuff, or buying? and if buying, what items would be best to buy, and what would be best to create.


If I need to clarify anything, which I probably do, let me know.

Edited by juakms423
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If you told us the actual items, it might be easier to solve 


I gave you letters that replaced the items name, and defined their prices. There is no difference between the actual name and a letter.


Only reason supporting the fact of providing the names makes it easier is if you speak japanese and don't know what the fuck letters are, and in that case, why are you on an english forum



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I gave you letters that replaced the items name, and defined their prices. There is no difference between the actual name and a letter.


Only reason supporting the fact of providing the names makes it easier is if you speak japanese and don't know what the fuck letters are, and in that case, why are you on an english forum.


Im not gonna lie, but Juggles is right.

I tried to understand your "letters", but I can't connect them somehow...

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Need more specific numbers for prices. Skipping item A at first sight is probably better.


For example, an hour worth of item B could mean anywhere between 1.9m and 2.8m. impossible to do accurate math with retarded ranges



for the sake of it if i were to use the average of the price ranges you listed.


Gathering item A is worth ~250k /hr


Making item B is worth 2.35m /hr and costs either ~750k or 3 hours of time.

This means B is worth 1.6m/hr if buying A from GE.

if you produced A then made B, it would take ~4hrs for 2.35m profit. thats ~600k /hr

That means Gathering A is a waste of time/money


Making item C is worth ~10m /hr and costs 1.8m + either ~4m /hr or 1.7 hrs of time.

This means C is worth ~4.2m /hr if buying B from GE.

If you produced B then made C, it would take ~3.7hrs for 8.2m profit. thats ~2.2m /hr

That means Producing B is a waste of time/money




Might be completely fucking wrong, idk and idc

Edited by ramonfabrega
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(output - input) * hourlyRate = profitPerHour

output - the gp made from this action
input - the gp required to make this action
hourlyRate - the rate at when outputs can be produced from inputs

Do this for all your steps, the highest profitPerHour is the most efficient? For average gp/hr, figure:

(cProfitPerHour + bProfitPerHour * hoursToSupplyC + aProfitPerHour * hoursToSupplyB) / hoursToSupplyB + hoursToSupplyC + 1

cProfitPerHour - The profit per hour making "C"
bProfitPerHour - The profit per hour making "B"
aProfitPerHour - The profit per hour making "A"
hoursToSupplyC - How many hours are required to generate the inputs for making "C"
hoursToSupplyB - How many hours are required to generate the inputs for making "B"

Taking some time and learning basic algebra might be worth it. Its a very useful skill in life! Else, invest in a calculator.

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Yet is asking for help (basic alegbra)


Basic algebra on the topic of Letters, not literally solving it.


Of course I can look at and do very basic calculations, but they won't give me the entire picture.

(output - input) * hourlyRate = profitPerHour

output - the gp made from this action
input - the gp required to make this action
hourlyRate - the rate at when outputs can be produced from inputs

Do this for all your steps, the highest profitPerHour is the most efficient? For average gp/hr, figure:

(cProfitPerHour + bProfitPerHour * hoursToSupplyC + aProfitPerHour * hoursToSupplyB) / hoursToSupplyB + hoursToSupplyC + 1

cProfitPerHour - The profit per hour making "C"
bProfitPerHour - The profit per hour making "B"
aProfitPerHour - The profit per hour making "A"
hoursToSupplyC - How many hours are required to generate the inputs for making "C"
hoursToSupplyB - How many hours are required to generate the inputs for making "B"

Taking some time and learning basic algebra might be worth it. Its a very useful skill in life! Else, invest in a calculator.




I'm a poor indian woman I am not educated nor can I afford a calculator...


other than my shitposts, thanks for your help man i appreciate it :-)

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Basic algebra on the topic of Letters, not literally solving it.


Of course I can look at and do very basic calculations, but they won't give me the entire picture.



I'm a poor indian woman I am not educated nor can I afford a calculator...


other than my shitposts, thanks for your help man i appreciate it :-)


You are using a very expensive calculator atm, its capable I'm sure :) Google sheets is a good way to do this as well, take time to learn the tools you need, don't rely on others.

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This is written terribly. What do you mean by consume A to get B? Like making unf potions and having to use herbs? b= unf pots and A = herbs?

Or like making pies? and ABD represent ingredients and C is the finished pie



consume by definition is to "use up", so yea your example would be correct.



ABD are the ingredients, and C would be the finished result, that I'd be selling for profit.


the question, in the most basic form was, should I gather, or buy, the ingredients; which would be the most profitable/hr, and which combinations etc.

You are using a very expensive calculator atm, its capable I'm sure :) Google sheets is a good way to do this as well, take time to learn the tools you need, don't rely on others.


thank you for teaching me then

Need more specific numbers for prices. Skipping item A at first sight is probably better.


For example, an hour worth of item B could mean anywhere between 1.9m and 2.8m. impossible to do accurate math with retarded ranges



for the sake of it if i were to use the average of the price ranges you listed.


Gathering item A is worth ~250k /hr


Making item B is worth 2.35m /hr and costs either ~750k or 3 hours of time.

This means B is worth 1.6m/hr if buying A from GE.

if you produced A then made B, it would take ~4hrs for 2.35m profit. thats ~600k /hr

That means Gathering A is a waste of time/money


Making item C is worth ~10m /hr and costs 1.8m + either ~4m /hr or 1.7 hrs of time.

This means C is worth ~4.2m /hr if buying B from GE.

If you produced B then made C, it would take ~3.7hrs for 8.2m profit. thats ~2.2m /hr

That means Producing B is a waste of time/money




Might be completely fucking wrong, idk and idc


Thank you very much for the help. :-)  (I fixed the prices to make them averages upon seeing your original comment)

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