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Failed to authenticate to OSBot servers


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I've just set up a new server, and I'm getting this error in Status when I'm trying to load the client for the first time:


Failed to authenticate to OSBot servers


I double checked to see if there was an internet connection problem, I loaded runescape in browser.


Also tried to boot using CLI, obviously having trouble since it hasn't had its first run and been able to install properly:


Starting OSBot in low cpu mode
java.io.FileNotFoundException: /root/OSBot/Data/map.bin (No such file or directory)






Anyone else had this problem or any idea how to fix it? I can't even install webwalking to start with lol.

Edited by THS
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i would suggest just deleting all osbot folders and download it again. Maybe you deleted something accidentally. 


Had a similiar issue and redownloading helped


also check java i guess


osbot currently works for me so it doesnt seem to be osbot in this case


Thanks for the response, double checked java, its fine. Tried deleting install folders/re-running, did nothing :/.


I noticed that my data folder is empty upon first run, which is odd, since mine has 4 files in it. Going to see if I can copy mine and send them through.


edit: did nothing, im still fucked.

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