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Juggles AIO Fisher


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On 6/5/2018 at 2:22 PM, Juggles said:

The script has anti ban implemented into it so that you can AFK fish. Basically you click the fishing spot and it will do the rest. This is the most elite antiban you can have. 


What do you mean by the rest? Does this bot never click on fishing spots? Is this just a banking/dropping bot?

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20 minutes ago, gazlo said:


What do you mean by the rest? Does this bot never click on fishing spots? Is this just a banking/dropping bot?

It will bot shrimps 100% 

trout and barb fishing and karajama require you to click the spot and it will bank/drop for you. 

This is for you're own protection and to bypass jagex bot detector 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yea Barbarian fishing doesnt work, i type Lure, Barbarian Rod, pretty much everything and the cursor just hovers over the spot and doesnt do fuck all.


On 6/21/2018 at 7:54 PM, Juggles said:

It will bot shrimps 100% 

trout and barb fishing and karajama require you to click the spot and it will bank/drop for you. 

This is for you're own protection and to bypass jagex bot detector 

Never mind, completely destroys the term Bot if you have to click yourself.. pointless even releasing this. with the shift and click its literally the most pointless script ive come across where a bot gets yourself to do the fishing.


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34 minutes ago, Dragonpearl2 said:

Yea Barbarian fishing doesnt work, i type Lure, Barbarian Rod, pretty much everything and the cursor just hovers over the spot and doesnt do fuck all.


Never mind, completely destroys the term Bot if you have to click yourself.. pointless even releasing this. with the shift and click its literally the most pointless script ive come across where a bot gets yourself to do the fishing.


I currently have 2 accounts with 99 fishing from it :)

making bank at minnows

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On 7/22/2018 at 11:35 AM, Juggles said:

I currently have 2 accounts with 99 fishing from it :)

making bank at minnows

Great script. Some people just don't understand the ridiculously high ban-rate on fishing scripts. Quick question: would it be possible for you to make the script send an alert on screen when you stop fishing (taskbar notif etc)?

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Trying to use this, it worked fine for netting shrimp and baiting sardine and herrings. I moved to barb village and am putting "Lure" as the action, and it's like it's not recoqnizing it so it's just standing here. Am I entering the wrong action?? I've tried "Lure Rod", "Lure Rod Fishing Spot", "Lure", etc; none of it triggers it to fish trout and salmon like it should. Like I said prior to moving to "lure" it was working fine and banking.

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