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Botting question


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Hey lads got a lil question didn't bot for ages, but i wanna bot on a 1 month account with some stats at sand crabs so im wondering if i get busted botting will i revive a 2day or perm ban?


please stop asking those questions ive seen them like 100 times.


you may recieve a perm you may recieve 2d ban.


no1 knows

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not true i botted accounts to sell but they get perma banned (if they get banned).


somehow i can stay at obvious botting spots for hours every day and not obvious spots for 1 day.

well if you bot several accounts at once of the same email / same information or same IP/proxy etc then maybe.


But if you bot a main account and you do agility it's pretty safe to assume you will get a 2 day ban if it's your first time on that IP and you don't do it for profit.


Still a risk you are taking when you bot

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