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I am trying to get my player to walk back to ONE specific coord(x, y, z), I am using getWalking().walk(coord) and the bot always seems to click one tile off of the coordinate I have it set to move to.


I need to be on a specific tile to aggro all the monsters and efficiently run my script


Also on tips/ideas/logic about having myPlayer reset aggro?

I'm using a not so good check because If I kill all the crabs my script thinks I have to reset aggro

		if (!myPlayer().isHitBarVisible()) {
				if (!RESET_AREA.contains(myPlayer())) {

					return State.Reset;

Is there a efficient way to set a timer so after a certain amount of time the script returns a state?


By the way, trying to make a simple Sandcrab killer with resetting

Thank you so much !

Edited by domp
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I am trying to get my player to walk back to ONE specific coord(x, y, z), I am using getWalking().walk(coord) and the bot always seems to click one tile off of the coordinate I have it set to move to.


I need to be on a specific tile to aggro all the monsters and efficiently run my script


Also on tips/ideas/logic about having myPlayer reset aggro?

I'm using a not so good check because If I kill all the crabs my script thinks I have to reset aggro

		if (!myPlayer().isHitBarVisible()) {
				if (!RESET_AREA.contains(myPlayer())) {

					return State.Reset;

Is there a efficient way to set a timer so after a certain amount of time the script returns a state?


By the way, trying to make a simple Sandcrab killer with resetting

Thank you so much !


Use the WalkingEvent:

WalkingEvent walkingEvent = new WalkingEvent(position);
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Use the WalkingEvent:

WalkingEvent walkingEvent = new WalkingEvent(position);

Thankyou, I implemented this and I will let you know how it works, currently laying low..did alot of testing that was faulty



For a timer you could do something like this:

//Class variable
private long timer;

//when you want to start/reset the timer
timer = System.currentTimeMillis();

//to check if the timer is past a certain amount of time, ex. 1 min.
System.currentTimeMillis() - timer >= 60000;

Thank you for this idea! I will be using this for my reset state!

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public class Timer {

private final long start;

private final long period;

private long end;

public Timer(long period) {

this.period = period;

this.start = System.currentTimeMillis();

this.end = (this.start + period);


public long getElapsed()


return System.currentTimeMillis() - this.start;


public long getRemaining() {

if (isRunning()) {

return this.end - System.currentTimeMillis();


return 0L;


public boolean isRunning()


return System.currentTimeMillis() < this.end;


public void reset()


this.end = (System.currentTimeMillis() + this.period);


public long setEndIn(long ms) {

this.end = (System.currentTimeMillis() + ms);

return this.end;


public String toElapsedString()


return Time.format(getElapsed());


public String toRemainingString()


return Time.format(getRemaining());



public class Time {

public static String format(long time) {

StringBuilder t = new StringBuilder();

long total_secs = time / 1000L;

long total_mins = total_secs / 60L;

long total_hrs = total_mins / 60L;

long total_days = total_hrs / 24L;

int secs = (int)total_secs % 60;

int mins = (int)total_mins % 60;

int hrs = (int)total_hrs % 24;

int days = (int)total_days;

if (days > 0) {

if (days < 10) {






if (hrs < 10) {





if (mins < 10) {





if (secs < 10) {




return t.toString();



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