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Looking for work.


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Currently: Online ~ Open for orders!


What I'm willing to do:

Powerlvling, Questing, Graceful & Coloring it, Chompy Bird Hunting, Rogues Den Minigame.


What I CANT do:

Fire Capes, Barbarian Assault, Castle Wars & make accounts from scratch  to NMZ ready.


I play average 6-10 Hours day (10am-8pm)

I'm willing to deposit 10-15m Currently.


Also I'm very experienced with pures, Questing attack, Mithril Gloves & God Books any account build expect 10hp.


If you're interested to hire me, feel free to pm or contact via Skype: hemranni@@gmail.com



Edited by Mico
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need workers urgently, paying good rates. I'm almost always overwhelmed with work and I am happy to pay good rates.


Added you on skype: sahand.osrs


Hey, the friend request havent came through for some reason I guess, link might be broken.. added you tho smile.png

Edited by Mico
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