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A new rule


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Although it should be, judging by recent threads and how they've been allowed to go on, i wouldn't say it is.

people break rules all the time, you just need to report said post 


scamming is against the rules but people still break that rule so just because there are offenders doesn't mean it's not in the rules

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people break rules all the time, you just need to report said post 


scamming is against the rules but people still break that rule so just because there are offenders doesn't mean it's not in the rules


Then i'd say the problem is the punishment isn't strict enough, hence the reptitions in the offense? With scammers it isn't something you can control, it comes out of nowhere, but these posts dont. 

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In light of the constant abuse people tend to give new comers or anyone using the black market, i suggest that anyone who makes a thread topic about another user relating them to scamming and what not shouldn't be deemed acceptable at all.


The only exception i would make is if/when a user scams, the victim puts up a thread about it and no one else until the dispute has been disclosed. It really doesn't help getting called a scammer when you're not one. 

Yeah I'm a fan of this.

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Troll.png emote3.png  no support if there is suspicion of someone scamming may as well warn others then b4 its to late. 

Might as well ban anyone with low feedback trying to access the market then, right?


Not sure why i can't comment to you (quote should I say) but please drop the stupid boy act, you're not really making yourself look like "mod material" trying to justify yourself. Why do some people make threads containing certain information on scammers? Well that's simple... Staff take far too long to go onto disputes, a fine example was kalemscott and he was banned within 2-3 mins avoiding others from trading him.

First off, grow up. Not justifying anything here. This is a mere suggestion about something thats bothered me for some time now. 


Second of all, plenty of these threads have popped up before the person in question even stepped a foot wrong. Regarding kalemscott specifically, if you and many others didn't always harass him at every opportunity you got, im pretty sure things would've turned out differently. Not everyone has a strong attitude and can withstand what other people say. Some people cant do that, hence, in a way, are forced into making a stupid decision. I 100% believe that if the community had treated kalem in a not so toxic way, things would've turned out different. This is coming from someone who lost 400-500m with his scam quit. 


Edit: Im not trying to insult you or anything, i've accused people and even mode threads about this specific thing, but i acknowledge that its wrong and hence haven't done it again. 

Edited by Decode
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its funny you tell people to grow up for having an opinion on your stupid attempt to get a look at mod, we all know why you made this thread so let's not try that one shall we, as for "harassing a member" I have spoken multiple times of possibly going for the jad pet with some assistance, so other than him talking retardedly in the cb and people laughing at him because of that, I simply asked the question of him botting capes nothing more. You can claim me asking a question for my 500m+ accounts safety "harassement" if it makes you better, but now you're claiming something untrue to justify yourself being dumb enough to trust him, think of it this way he came out of nowhere thinking he was the best thing since Jesus himself and in the span of 1-2 months if not less, he had you eating out of his hand.. Who is the real issue here him for being smart knowing he could make a few mill and get his lts psyment back or you for trusting a nobody?


You're actually mistaken. I told you to grow up because whenver you're confronted in any sort of way or in any discussions you resort to sly digs. Your opinion is more than welcome, everyone's is. 


You assuming i made this thread to "boost" my chance at mod is completely wrong. I dont think i would've posted that "weeb" topic in this very section if i was, would i now. 


Disregarding anyone who tries to stand up on his own feet is a fatal mistake. Non of us "known people" would've ever been here if we werent trusted at a point when we were ALL nobodies.


Im not speaking about you simply asking the question, its more like me pointing out the part that whenever you two engaged in any sort of discussion, it'd always end up bad in one way or the other, which further enhances my "grow up" comment. 


Why would i trust a nobody? Because i was a nobody at one point and i was trusted too, everyone deserves a chance to prove themselves, some do, some dont. I knew it was a risk, but a risk i was willing to take. 

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