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Khal Wintertodt


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Hi! I am relatively new to botting and testing out scripts, is it possible to get a trial of this?



Could I get a trial love ya QwPha8E.png



Could I get a free trial please, I liked the thread



Trial please smile.png


All activated!



just gonna vouch for this script, used it since 50 firemaking and doing about 2-3 hours a day at most. Currently at 97 and almost 99!

Thx man :D Appreciated!

just gonna vouch for this script, used it since 50 firemaking and doing about 2-3 hours a day at most. Currently at 97 and almost 99!



Bought and im getting this error
[iNFO][12/20 09:38:16 PM]: Started bot #1
[DEBUG][12/20 09:38:41 PM]: Loading script id : 909
[DEBUG][12/20 09:38:42 PM]: Loaded script!
[DEBUG][12/20 09:38:42 PM]: Launching script...
And it keeps in this loop.. Already tried to restart it and it continued the same



Got it fixed by now? :)

Script updated to V0.22:

- Fixed few typos in the loot list.


Should be online in a few hours ^^


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Love ur PC script ! Id like to try this too, trial maybe? smile.png


Sure have fun biggrin.png

Khal, this is one of the best scripts I have ever used, period!!


I got 50 firemaking just for the mini-game, did 50-75 in one 8-9 hour session, then did 75-99 a couple days later all in one go! I would have a longer proggie for you, but the login handler glitched a few times and wouldn't log back in when the bot took a break. But anyway, thank you for such an awesome script and here are a few pics as well <333










That's awesome mate! I'm glad you loved it ^^

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