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Owui's F2P Bot Thread


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Hello, my name is Owui, you may know me from my silly did you know thread, or my basic bot thread, and if not who cares.
I have started a F2P bot with some pretty large goals on 9/10/2016 and this will be the update thread tell it gets banned.
 Combat Goals:                                                                                 Skill Goals:

30/30/30 strength HP attack    30/30/30/30/30/30 Woodcutting Fishing Cooking Mining Smithing Firemaking

50/50/50 strength HP attack       50/50/50/50/50/50 Woodcutting Fishing Cooking Mining Smithing Firemaking

60/60/60 strength HP attack       60/60/60/60/60/60 Woodcutting Fishing Cooking Mining Smithing Firemaking

70/70/70 strength HP attack       70/70/70/70/70/70 Woodcutting Fishing Cooking Mining Smithing Firemaking

80/80/80 strength HP attack       80/80/80/80/80/80 Woodcutting Fishing Cooking Mining Smithing Firemaking

90/90/90 strength HP attack       30 Crafting

10 Prayer  30 Range            50 Crafting

20 Prayer  40 Range            70 Crafting

30 Prayer  50 Range

40 Prayer  60 Range

50 Prayer  70 Range

60 Prayer  80 Range

 Why those goals, Why are Prayer Range and Crafting separate? 

Well, I plan on doing crafting legit on the days that I don't bot on the account, the same with range and prayer I am hoping that doing prayer and range at moss giants or hill giants will be a decent way to make some gains and keep my account under the notice of Jagex. I want the skill levels purely to test the limits of what botting smartly can do in OSRS, i'm really hoping that doing this will help me get some information to start a gold farm or an account farming service, but beyond that I think that maybe making the account P2P later in its life could give me a valuable bossing account. 

Image Gallery:

 http://imgur.com/a/j8eOh (day one 10h in)
http://imgur.com/a/8Ac2J (Day one/two 24h in)


Update Log:
9/11/2016: Rune Scimmy obtained and in use, also focusing on 80 strength before doing anymore attack, transferred 1k lobbys to account
9/12/2016: May give the bot some downtime/ work on crafting legit started ghosting the IP did a solid 10-14 hour run at Al-Kharid Warriors. 


Edited by owui
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Goodluck! You're really pushing it botting f2p warriors especially that long. You should invest in vip so you can use the mirrored client. Makes it a lot less likely to get banned. If you'd like, you can pm me and I can give you a couple tips to really lower your chance of getting banned. Keep it up though, I want to see how far you can get. :)

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