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Fruity Zulrah Killer


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I just bought the script yesterday and it has worked pretty well for me, i'm really happy with it.

But sometimes on random occasions after restocking it gets stuck at the bank. The only thing missing from my inventory is a camelot tab and the logger gives a null pointer:

at org.osbot.rs07.api.model.InteractableObject.getName(il:272)
at org.osbot.rs07.api.filter.NameFilter.match(gk:11)
at org.osbot.rs07.api.filter.NameFilter.match(gk:245)
at org.osbot.rs07.api.filter.FilterAPI.filter(ei:2)
at org.osbot.rs07.api.EntityAPI.closest(qh:221)
at com.fruityscripts.a.a.o.nuL.D(oc:72)
at com.fruityscripts.a.a.m.Con.C(eb:132)
at com.fruityscripts.api.b.nUL.D(rf:97)
at com.fruityscripts.api.FruityScript.onLoop(fc:124)
at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(gm:185)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) 
However if i restart my script it goes well for a couple runs and then the same thing occurs.
I have tried a couple things:
1. Leaving an extra free spot in my bag.
2. Moving the items required for zulrah to one tab.
None of these things have helped.
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@Fruity im not too sure if this helps but i've been watching the script all day and i had about 27 kills bot went to cwars regeared etc and when it went back in it stood in smoke.  Nothing out of the ordinary happened up until that so im not sure at all what causes the suicide loop. Maybe suicide loop happens (sometimes) around 30 kc mark? I know i've gotten more then that without seeing it but just a thought.

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I've been using the script for more than 10 hours now and I love it! However, just like others have mentioned. It does get 'stuck' in the venom clouds sometimes. My character ends up eating all his food and then proceeds to teleport to CW, just to go back to Zulrah and do the exact same thing. Restarting the bot fixes this, but could you look into it? 

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my new friend 


too bad it wasnt on the account i want haha might have to sell it


EDIT: fruity if you reading this, not that its a big deal or anything but after every kill it goes to toggle quick prayers before looting 

if you dont have one set it will not loot.



Does this support a house with fairy ring plus fountain to regain stats > agility shortcut to Zulrah?



1 out of maybe 15 fights it stands in a venemous cloud in a phase instead of 1 step next to it where it should stand. During this phase it still attacks zulrah but eats a lot because of the damage the cloud does. This causes me to run out of food (I have bare minimum stats) and tele's away. Also when you die it picks up the items and tries to go back in with maybe a half inv of food. If you could add a option where you could toggle full restock after death that would be nice.


One more thing, when I click the add away (the blue gold add) the GUI dissapears. I have to wait for the add to pop up again, click that away and the GUI is back up.




The cloud thing happened again, the OSBot Logger says:

[INFO][Bot #1][01/17 04:05:48 PM]: [ZulrahListener] Could Not Find A Matching Rotation
[INFO][Bot #1][01/17 04:05:48 PM]: [ZulrahListener] Updating Possible Rotations
[INFO][Bot #1][01/17 04:06:08 PM]: [ZulrahListener] Adding Magic To The List
[INFO][Bot #1][01/17 04:06:08 PM]: [ZulrahListener] Updating Possible Rotations
[INFO][Bot #1][01/17 04:06:08 PM]: [ZulrahListener] Could Not Find A Matching Rotation
[INFO][Bot #1][01/17 04:06:08 PM]: [ZulrahListener] Updating Possible Rotations
[INFO][Bot #1][01/17 04:06:32 PM]: [ZulrahListener] Adding Melee To The List
[INFO][Bot #1][01/17 04:06:32 PM]: [ZulrahListener] Updating Possible Rotations
[INFO][Bot #1][01/17 04:06:32 PM]: [ZulrahListener] Could Not Find A Matching Rotation
[INFO][Bot #1][01/17 04:06:32 PM]: [ZulrahListener] Updating Possible Rotations

After that (at least the 3 times that I saw it happen) the rotation was the mage&range one where it doesn't flick prayer. This quickly results into 40+ hits. Tele or death is what happends next.



When you run out of food and tele out during the fight the bot becomes stuck at clan wars waiting at the teleporting phase



If I have 85 Range, 85 Mage, and 75 defence, would you recommend killing the snakelings? Also, do I hve to use your exact setup or can I use for example the ped boots? Lastly, if you die does it pick the items back up?



I've been using the script for more than 10 hours now and I love it! However, just like others have mentioned. It does get 'stuck' in the venom clouds sometimes. My character ends up eating all his food and then proceeds to teleport to CW, just to go back to Zulrah and do the exact same thing. Restarting the bot fixes this, but could you look into it? 


Update to most comments being made, apologies about the delays in getting back to everyone on the thread, i have been getting back to pm's when i get some time.


Venom cloud issue is a big thing im looking into and will try to get an update pushed ASAP.

Issue where you teleport and then the character just stands there doing nothing should be fixed as of a few updates i pushed this weekend. Please let me know if ur still getting this bug from this post onwards.


Quick prayer not being set issue i will look into! the quick prayer was a quick fix while the client was having prayer issues, i believe i can put it back to how it once was as the client is upto date again smile.png


Everyone that has asked for trials, i have added almost all of them from pm's and what not but if i have missed you, come to chatbox or send me a PM and i can get a trial authed to your account!


The GUI disapearing issue i aint heard of before, do you mean paint or? if its paint just click in the chatbox and it should appear again


Update to anyone and everyone. 

While the script has been released i have noticed some people arnt too sure of what to use and how to have their inventory setup, because of this, i thought it would be best to do a revamp of the GUI and it will be released in the near future. This will mean having to make new profiles sadly but i hope it will bring clarity for the new users.

I will update post with a screenshot when i get home.


currently does not support fairy rings but once new GUI is complete, this will allow me to add more options with less guessing so i could add more traveling methods.


and lastly! Gratz on all the pets i have seen!


Thank you to everyone that has bared with me. I will get back to finding this cloud issue!



Just pushed update that will reset the instance variables whenever it switches from the fighting tasks to the reset tasks (banking n such). This should be mean, if no errors in that method it will reset the vars before doing anything else and therefore should be a clean slate next run. Still going through stuff to see if i can spot anything else that might help



I have rewrote another 'reset' method for the zulrah listener, im going to wait before pushing this one though as i want to do some robus testing before i push it!

Edited by Fruity
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when i try starting the script it just sits there like so



i have no idea whats going on now



after messing around with it i got it to work. However i found a a bug. Whenever you set the setting for however long you want it to run it will just log out right when the script starts. For instance i was using 480 minutes and it instantly logged out. 


Edited by rgruz
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