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Sleep deprivation?


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Normally I wouldn't post such a thing on a community forum but to no avail have I been able to resolve this problem or find any alternative to help it.


Since around the start of the year, I had finished an apprenticeship and moved into a full time occupation working within the financial industry. With this being said I had to work the mandatory full time duration per month (atleast 35 hours a week). This was from 8:30am-5:30pm. I've never really had time for anything that would give me such sudden relief, as I've had to meet multiple deadlines and other issues/problems to cater to alongside it.


Since I was 14/15 my life had only really consisted of work, work experience, apprenticeships, gym, study, the occasional free time with friends and such. It's been a re-occurring issue where I've struggled to get the average amount of sleep per day, and recently it had taken a toll on me as a person: mentally, emotionally and physically. I've always been an independent person and have never really relied on other people as past experiences taught me all about that. I've recently lost a lot of things in my life that realistically were the only things that kept me moderately happy and content with life. My happiness has downgraded entirely and I've started becoming slightly pessimistic and moving out of various motives to keep me going.


I'm just wondering whether anyone had a decent idea how I could counter this? what I figured as a last resort is to obtain sleeping pills or some kind of treatment to get me back onto a more positive outlook on life. I just want the motivation I once had back.


Tldr; if anyone has any solutions as to what would be best to increase a better/happier lifestyle please enlighten me. 

And apologies if this seems some what negative, I'm just looking for some guidance I guess.

Edited by Sincere
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here have a tap on the shoulder


'I just want the motivation I once had back.' feelsbadman, unless you have something to aim at, you cant be self-motivated for shit

you are the only one who can act in order to reach this, trust yourself, you will not regain the once-lost things so better to stop craving for them, search new joys, maybe a hobby? girlfriend? God? name it and make it:)

personally,i tried working until exhaustion, partying, womanising, alcohol, substances, all fucking false friends...


good luck man, cut yourself some slack


p.s.: i know you have an important position to fill in your workplace, but check out the cheapest tickets, pack a backpack and travel somewhere so you can be alone with yourself and think, meet new people, see amazing things, a change of environment might sound bullshit, but its proven to work

also, maslow-pyramid, what level are you at?

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here have a tap on the shoulder


'I just want the motivation I once had back.' feelsbadman, unless you have something to aim at, you cant be self-motivated for shit

you are the only one who can act in order to reach this, trust yourself, you will not regain the once-lost things so better to stop craving for them, search new joys, maybe a hobby? girlfriend? God? name it and make it:)

personally,i tried working until exhaustion, partying, womanising, alcohol, substances, all fucking false friends...


good luck man, cut yourself some slack


p.s.: i know you have an important position to fill in your workplace, but check out the cheapest tickets, pack a backpack and travel somewhere so you can be alone with yourself and think, meet new people, see amazing things, a change of environment might sound bullshit, but its proven to work

also, maslow-pyramid, what level are you at?

I appreciate this alot, it's given me some sort of enlightenment to work off of.


It's a mix of everything really, so I guess I'm quite lost at the moment. Not the best situation I suppose but not the worst

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