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2 hours ago, Czar said:

Added an update for banking routine (mainly abyss) glories, misclicking, and lava runes, will be adding some more changes over the next day or so :D 

- Added shift click dropping for emptying pouches!
- Glory deposit all fixed
- Lava runes improved
- Astral runes deposit fixed
- Glory teleport misclick avoiding
- Added delay to negotiating an abyss obstacle

Latest version: v85, update will automatically go live within 24 hours :D Apologies guys!

For future reference, if you have ANY bug, please fill out the bug report template so I know how to catch the bug, otherwise if I run the script with default settings, it works, how am I supposed to find the bug? You also have to state which GUI settings you enabled, food/potions/pouches will affect how the script operates and it will change the way it works completely. Also some of you are saying please do this please do this without actually stating the problem - I cannot read minds..

Thanks Czar, glad to see update being pushed.  Will try and use template/give more helpful info for future reports in all of your scripts that I have. 

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5 hours ago, Czar said:

Added an update for banking routine (mainly abyss) glories, misclicking, and lava runes, will be adding some more changes over the next day or so :D 

- Added shift click dropping for emptying pouches!
- Glory deposit all fixed
- Lava runes improved
- Astral runes deposit fixed
- Glory teleport misclick avoiding
- Added delay to negotiating an abyss obstacle

Latest version: v85, update will automatically go live within 24 hours :D Apologies guys!

For future reference, if you have ANY bug, please fill out the bug report template so I know how to catch the bug, otherwise if I run the script with default settings, it works, how am I supposed to find the bug? You also have to state which GUI settings you enabled, food/potions/pouches will affect how the script operates and it will change the way it works completely. Also some of you are saying please do this please do this without actually stating the problem - I cannot read minds..

Quoting so this post doesn't get lost

Yes master/worker works for multiple bots, just enter the same master name and different worker bots, the worker name doesn't matter just ignore it, leave it blank if you want ^^ :D 

I really appreciate all the support thank you guys, please don't forget to post bug report templates they really really help and they make updates much faster and easier :D 

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I've found that if you enable bags, the bot doesn't go to the bank to get the bags if your inv is full of essence, it just gets stuck clicking on the altar


I'm also pretty sure that if you enable preparation when doing cosmics, the bot gets locked in the bank; clicks away, then back on the bank, repeat

Edited by artman41
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The script keeps trying to get earth talisman from the bank and it doesn't cast imbue before crafting the lava runes. It keeps missclicking while doing runes in zmi. After teleporting to ourania, it clicks outside the ladder that takes you undeground, taking the bot to the other side of the hill. Would be really appreciated if this could be fixed.

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Activated trials gl guys :D

Added more changes to the last update, latest version is now v86

- Script will now withdraw pouches from bank if user didn't start with pouches already in inventory
- Lava runes (magic imbue) works without appropriate staff (any steam staff), so it will not deposit water/fire runes
- ZMI fix
- Cosmic prep fix

update will go live within 24 hours gl guys :D Updates are automatic all we gotta do is wait after they are pushed :D 

Please try and have any type of steam staff for magic imbue, it makes the script work MUCH better, and without it the script can be unstable!


I am planning on creating a system where the user can customize their entire banking routine completely, e.g.

Deposit-All (Glory)
Withdraw-Potion (Stamina)
Withdraw-Food (Lobster)

Close bank

Sip potion
Eat Food
Equip Glory

Open Bank

and so on.. All customized by the user, instead of the script deciding what to do, the user decides what to do


Guys if you have any bugs from now on please screenshot your exact inventory layout and your gui settings otherwise it will be very difficult to fix your problem and it will take longer! :s 

Edited by Czar
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I just bought the script and there is a pretty big problem with the ZMI portion of the script.

Almost every time after teleporting back to Ourania, the bot struggles with clicking near the ladder on the minimap. It ends up clicking on the west side of the little gate and tries to run me all the way around...sometimes it catches the error but its fairly obvious botting behavior. Are you aware of this issue?


EDIT: I also was trying the quest cape nature rcing function. I tried to start it in a bank but nothing happened. I re-started right outside of the legends guild and it used the pre-set fairy ring option then didn't move. You also need some sort of option to select a teleport back to a bank, but that is not included in the options...

Edited by squidispro
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