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Perfect Runecrafter AIO


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Update has been pushed. Cosmic shortcuts are flawless ^^ :D 

As for lavas I tested with earth talismans without magic imbue, small pouch and medium pouch, dueling ring mode, it works flawlessly. If anybody has any suggestions/errors/bugs for lavas please tell me which settings you used and how it happened so I can apply a fix for it ASAP ^^ :D

Update will automatically go live within 24 hours :) v85.

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I am currently using the trial for this script testing the master/slave options. I have a master set at an altar, is there any reason it constantly moves camera? While it waits for my other accounts to get there every couple seconds it turns the camera quickly once or twice.


[INFO][Bot #1][11/07 04:29:54 PM]: Waiting for master [null] to appear
[INFO][Bot #1][11/07 04:29:58 PM]: Waiting for master [null] to appear
[INFO][Bot #1][11/07 04:29:59 PM]: Waiting for master [null] to appear
[INFO][Bot #1][11/07 04:30:04 PM]: Waiting for master [null] to appear
[INFO][Bot #1][11/07 04:30:07 PM]: Waiting for master [null] to appear
[INFO][Bot #1][11/07 04:30:10 PM]: Waiting for master [null] to appear

Do i have it set up wrong? It's every time the logger shows this message it turns.

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