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Perfect Runecrafter AIO


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The timer is in real time so it starts as soon as the script is activated but don't worry about that, I can always increase the timer after it ends :D


But if there are any bugs/suggestions, let me know and I will add to the script asap :) Updates usually take a few hours to register though :(

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Alright Czar, 


I've been running the script for a couple of hours now, and I've ran into multiple problems.

I had it walk from Lumby to edge to start abyss crafting, but near barbarian village it started spamclicking the run energy. I had to restart the script to fix it.

The quest function is not working at all.

The bot has trouble crafting runes through the abyss because it always gets stuck on the npc's and proceeds to die. 

The bot has trouble crafting runes in normal mode with pouch support. It continues in a loop at the bank switching bankstands every 2 seconds.


hope this helps

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Hmm what is the error/bug with quest function? Rune mysteries quest/stage? I will add a quick bugfix :D


As for abyss and npcs, does the script not find an obstacle to enter the rift? Did you make sure to select an obstacle in the setup GUI? Also, if using VIP-only client, can you try a client restart, there is sometimes a client issue of not finding any objects :( If using regular client, hmm I will try to find the bug but it works for me with selecting: mining/agility/thieving :o 


Aside from those two points, the rest have all been fixed in the latest version, just waiting for update ^^ :) Apologies to all users who are still waiting for the update, it will 100% be live today :)

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Hmm what is the error/bug with quest function? Rune mysteries quest/stage? I will add a quick bugfix biggrin.png


As for abyss and npcs, does the script not find an obstacle to enter the rift? Did you make sure to select an obstacle in the setup GUI? Also, if using VIP-only client, can you try a client restart, there is sometimes a client issue of not finding any objects sad.png If using regular client, hmm I will try to find the bug but it works for me with selecting: mining/agility/thieving ohmy.png


Aside from those two points, the rest have all been fixed in the latest version, just waiting for update ^^ smile.png Apologies to all users who are still waiting for the update, it will 100% be live today smile.png

It gets stuck on the rune mysteries quest after getting the talisman from the duke. 


For the abyss I selected the woodcutting obstacle but it didn't seem to work

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the pouches needs to be touched up when running lava runes as well. When you only use the small pouch it sits at the fire altar and just spam clicks after crafting the runes. if you use the small pouch and just the medium pouch, it still pull the large pouch out of the bank even though you don't have the rc level to use it. it will keep running the bot with he large pouch in the inventory.

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Yeah for the pouches I added an update so that the script doesn't attempt to withdraw any pouches that have not been selected in the setup interface, I also added a nice update for filling/emptying pouches so that if the script right-clicks "Empty" and prepares the fast-click, it will continue from that mouse point and avoid re-doing the entire process, it boosted xp/profit and anti-ban smile.png


I also added an update so that the script doesn't keep spamming the bank when selecting only the first two pouches, so pouches are pretty much flawless in this update smile.pngbiggrin.png


thanks guys for being patient, I can't wait until the new version (v29) goes live it's an insane improvement over the last version biggrin.png

Edited by Czar
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Trying out the nature options, didn't see any specific boxes to enable which path to take or how to do the nats -- also i have it set to trade 26 nats, cash and essence stack in bots inventory, and when it gets to trade screen it just trades me and instantly closes out and trys to run away, thenc omes back to trade again. 

also im noticing there are snakes and spiders everywhere on the dangerous path - which seems to be the one that it is taking.

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Yes mirror-client can be unstable but it should be fine - just set the reaction timer to 500ms for better performance (using F2-4 keys in mirror-client)


The latest update is now live (v29) biggrin.png As of an hour ago, can you try the script again? biggrin.png A lot of the code was changed and improved since the version yesterday.


Next update will have noted supply trading (supplier trading the worker noted ess/antipoison/coins for nature rune trips), right now nature runes has normal master/worker support (worker just goes to general store, unnotes and returns to altar) without anti-poisons.

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This is going to seem like im rambling on but i want to share this with you. And note this is only with the fire altar and lava altar, havent tested anything else. Two of my accounts have been banned with in the past two days. People will ask," have you been banned before at that i.p?" that doesnt mean a dam thing and here's why... my accounts, all 5 of them are old accounts, which means, they have (tons) of hours on them. When i play runescape i typically play 10-12 hours a day and i dont stop training a skill unless, i have some where to go. When i used the script i used the same schedule breaks within 10-12 hours of playing. I didn't bot on multiple accounts at the same time so why did i get the ban hammer? After watching the bot work for hours, the conclusion i must presume is the, "perfection". When the bot miss-clicks and makes a mistake, it makes the same mistake, which implies,"it's a programmed mistake". When it teleport to castle wars before it banks  it clicks two of the same spots in castles to stop at before banking. When it runes to the fire altar it makes a mistake of ending up behind the fire altar in the same spot and will idle there. "The mouse speed". It has improved but you haven't changed the speed enough in which it banks and withdraw items and inside the altar when its crafting runes. it went from 100 miles per hour to 90 miles per hour. Now i've mentioned that i used mouse keys but my keys doesnt jump further than a "inch". when it fills up the inventory and gets ready to teleport to the duel arena it will click on the treasure box and jump to the top up mini map (every single time). it doesnt slide or glide the mouse to the spot, it "jumps". anything further then a inch of jumping is macro detection. Runecrafting is the the most profitable skill to 99 so you can bet they're monitoring the patterns and perfection in the mouse clicks and movements  since they can't detect it on a code level anymore. Yeah, botting is at your own risk but i've used your rock crab script and never got flagged for it and i used it two days straight no stoppage. so it's definitely within your rune crafting script. anybody else that crafts fire runes or lava's with pouches, you can bet you will get caught if the script isnt adjusted, once the catch someone, everyone knows they store that data.. I love your scripts though, keep working czar. just use all this info i gave you to work towards your invincible bots. smile.png

Edited by tray20001002
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New update! (v31)


- Added anti-ban tab to setup interface

- Ring of dueling mode pre-hovers/pre-clicking is now optional

- Added script setting cycler

- Added anti-pattern mode option

- Major revision to anti-ban system

- Added an update for nature rune running (trading noted supplies and antipoisons)


update will be live in less than 24 hours, good luck everyone ;) The botting ban-rate for this script should be drastically reduced after this version goes live. Once the script paint says v31.0, the update will be the latest version ^^ :D


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