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Scripts cause insane freezing.


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Alot of scripts are causing me to have extreme lagg and make me close the client i've tried many i have also tried editing using the set code to make it use 2000mb but thats not working its stuck at i think 246mb or somthing please help i buy scripts and dont want to have to refund them i've already refunded one.

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what are the specs of the pc?


The specs are good enough to run ultra on OW/R6S and a couple other games i'm able to run arma on high just dont feel like posting spec's but 8gb of ram so idk, havent edited any files for rs i deleted them all cause someone told me to and it hasn't fixed it, im trying to use hobgob killer, but it crashes with Quester/Fcluescroll and a few others when it requires webwalking i think not to sure.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It seems webwalking is causing cpu to skyrocket lately.


Thats what i'm thinking but i cannot find anything that fixes this issue, i spent 10$ on 2 scripts and they don't work cause of this.

still having this issue, so i haven't been able to use the script i bought or any other scripts that cause this

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