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Script name: WWFMiner

Problem/Issue: Scripter is banned, The script was made for a temporary event that's long gone, thread is closed.

Last date working (if known): N/A 

Have you reported the issue on the script thread?: N/A



Script name: VAG's Power Miner

Problem/Issue: Scripter is banned, People have complained that it doesn't work for a few months.

Last date working (if known): At least May 2016.

Have you reported the issue on the script thread?: Scripter is banned, so no point.



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Script name: WWFMiner

Problem/Issue: Scripter is banned, The script was made for a temporary event that's long gone, thread is closed.

Last date working (if known): N/A 

Have you reported the issue on the script thread?: N/A



Script name: VAG's Power Miner

Problem/Issue: Scripter is banned, People have complained that it doesn't work for a few months.

Last date working (if known): At least May 2016.

Have you reported the issue on the script thread?: Scripter is banned, so no point.






Both removed.

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Script name: precise cows

Problem/Issue: doesn't work

Last date working (if known): for me, several moths ago, it was broken for a longggg time

Have you reported the issue on the script thread?: yes



I'm not sure if precise was able to fix it, i just know that for a long time the script was broken. I think he was busy with real life or something. It might be working now but from what i remember it was broken for a few months.


I don't have an account atm to test if it still broken or not. 

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