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GG WP UK; we'll remember you


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Nice, a sample size of 1652... High quality data at it's finest emote3.png


Slightly on topic:


I guess I'm uneducated for having a position on leaving the EU, or maybe I'm a racist biggot. Let's take a insult card from the hat of the stay campaign.

If those 1652 people are properly randomly selected from all voters it's more than enough.

To have a confidence level of 99%, and data to be representative for 95-100% of the people you only need a sample size of 1040. 

That benig said, that shit is probably full of random errors and therefore not entirely accurate. 

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It was just the combined elderly / lower class / uneducated population that caused this. It's almost as if they think that immigration is actually hindering their current quality of life. They actually believe that money will be redirected into the NHS. The irony is, it will be those people that will be most severely impacted by their own decision. There should be an age limit / minimum education requirement for such significant votes imo.



Well that's possibly the most stupid thing that someone has said so far


if i'd voted leave and listened to farage's speech when they realised they'd won i'd realise how retarded of a decision i'd made


gg uk

Farag was a part of Leave.EU and not Vote Leave.

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Nice, a sample size of 1652... High quality data at it's finest emote3.png

Slightly on topic:

I guess I'm uneducated for having a position on leaving the EU, or maybe I'm a racist biggot. Let's take a insult card from the hat of the stay campaign.

I don't mean all leave voters fit that demographic, just most. I'm sure there are some valid reasons to leave, but it's still a shitty decision.

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You guys are idiots, it will be fine.. It was a 4% majority, everyone understands that 48% didn't want to leave.. We will find that it will be a very liberal exit, accepting freedom of movement so that we can retain free trade.. This is because we will not want to separate the country more than is completely necessary, Scotland, NI and London all voted against leaving the EU. London is the most important part of the U.K., and I cannot see a situation in which we completely leave as people like farage would have liked.

No point in worrying about it.

- from my phone

The world isn't going to end, trust me, I am an economist.

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The UK is pretty much going to have to renegotiate everything from scratch with the EU.

The EU can afford losing a lot of deals with the UK, the UK can certainly not (without finding another ally of equal significance, but considering this act of disloyalty.. well gl :p)


The new deals with the EU will be very unfavorable to the UK, it's simple economics and politics.


Enjoy your crash :p

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The UK is pretty much going to have to renegotiate everything from scratch with the EU.

The EU can afford losing a lot of deals with the UK, the UK can certainly not (without finding another ally of equal significance, but considering this act of disloyalty.. well gl :p)

The new deals with the EU will be very unfavorable to the UK, it's simple economics and politics.

Enjoy your crash :p

We were the second largest economy in the EU, enjoy your crash.. It isn't that simple, you lose out just as much as we do if there are bad agreements lol
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The EU and UK will divorce but they'll stay strong together and cooperate for the kids (economy).


You may disagree with leaving but the people voted it, respect that. Just because Trump or Farage back a certain idea doesn't mean it's all of a sudden a poor idea, if they randomly thought it'd be good to have basic human rights be up held in all countries, I bet people would still find a reason to screw their faces.


Inners can shout all day about how the public have dug their own grave and they'll be the ones up shit creek but it's not the people who've lost in last few days, it's 1%, it's a fact, the scare campaign was a complete joke and it had the reverse effect.


I think the scariest part for people is that they are realizing the UK government now hold all the chips, if you didn't trust the government to run the country without a babysitter, why in gods name are you still UK citizen?

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The EU and UK will divorce but they'll stay strong together and cooperate for the kids (economy).


You may disagree with leaving but the people voted it, respect that. Just because Trump or Farage back a certain idea doesn't mean it's all of a sudden a poor idea, if they randomly thought it'd be good to have basic human rights be up held in all countries, I bet people would still find a reason to screw their faces.


Inners can shout all day about how the public have dug their own grave and they'll be the ones up shit creek but it's not the people who've lost in last few days, it's 1%, it's a fact, the scare campaign was a complete joke and it had the reverse effect.


I think the scariest part for people is that they are realizing the UK government now hold all the chips, if you didn't trust the government to run the country without a babysitter, why in gods name are you still UK citizen?

i think the main problem you're missing/ignoring completely is the fact that the people that actually have to suffer the consequences did not want this whatsoever

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We were the second largest economy in the EU, enjoy your crash.. It isn't that simple, you lose out just as much as we do if there are bad agreements lol


The EU has a combined GDP of 12k billion, the UK has a GDP of  2.5k billion.


Who do you think has the most leverage in UK <-> EU negotiations?


Who do you think has the most leverage in negotiations with EU trading partners?


Vulgar example:

- EU has a deal with USA that creates 500 value for the USA.

- UK wants to start dealing independently  with the USA, and proposes a deal with the USA that can create 100 value.

- EU warns USA that they need to greenlight this USA-UK deal, otherwise the EU-USA 500 value deal is of the table.

- EU makes deal with UK, UK can trade with USA but only if EU gets 5% of all value and UK starts accepting X immigrants per year.

- UK accepts deal and ends up losing more money and taking in more immigrants than post-brexit

Yes, the UK accounted for 17% of the EU's GDP, it is significant and will of course affect the EU.

But unless the UK is able to miraculously multiply it's GDP by 600% in the near future (nope), it will never be able to outbid the EU on any economic/politcal deal :p


If you really think we lose out as much as you do then lol (please do compare the euro and sterling markets to see which one is reacting more stabiliy to the leave :p).

The EU lost 2.5K billion of leverage power, the UK lost 14k billion and is going to need to renegotiate EVERYTHING with the rest of the world.

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I hate shit like this. If the younger generation wanted a bigger impact maybe they should have voted? 



<60% of young people expected for 2016 and more then 75% for older. Ill find the statistic for this year, but the coloration is the same.

i think the main problem you're missing/ignoring completely is the fact that the people that actually have to suffer the consequences did not want this whatsoever

When i find the graph ill post it, but, the people that were to suffer didn't vote.

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