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How do I check if my player is in a certain Position, not Area?


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You can define a area with z = 3

Doing this ; new Area(new Position(x y z), new Position(x y z))


Position t = new position(x y z)

Or tile t im not sure, not at home

if (myPlayer().getPosition() == t){




Ohh forreal?? That helps a ton. Thanks man!


Area AREA = new Area(x1, y1, x2, y2).setPlane(z);


Totally missed this post, thanks appreciate it!!

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If you're checking a specific Position, don't use Area and don't compare objects using "==". Keep it simple:

Position myPos = myPosition();
Position targetPos = new Position(1000, 1000, 3);

if (myPos.equals(targetPos)) {
	// You're at position
} else {
	// You're not at position

Edit: After reading your first post, you can simply do this:

Position myPos = myPosition();
if (someArea.contains(myPos) && myPos.getZ() == 3) {
	// You're in an area AND on the 3rd floor
} else {
	// You're not...

You can set a plane for the Area, but that's only useful if the Area location is unique to whichever plane you're checking. For instance, if I'm in Lumbridge Castle, my Area will cover the entire castle and I will check the plane using my character's Z value, instead of setting the plane of the Area. Otherwise, I will have to constantly set that value to check what floor I'm on, which is just terrible.


Example of how I would handle Lumbridge Castle's many floors to spin flax:

Position myPos = myPosition();
if (lumbridgeCastle.contains(myPos)) {
	switch(myPos.getZ()) {
	case 0:
		// Ground floor
		// Climb staircase UP
	case 1:
		// First floor
		// Use spinning wheel, or go bank
		// upstairs 
	case 2:
		// Second floor
		// Withdraw flax, or go to
		// spinning wheel downstairs
Edited by liverare
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