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  1. Welcome To FURYPVMFor All Osrs Services 07-GP To join our Discord Server : Click here Your account's safety is our top priority, and we utilize the most secure trade methods High member trade︱Poh tip jar︱Pk trade︱Item trade Many Payment Methods : • To Join Our Community • Click to Join our Server! We Are Active (24/7) Waiting to serve you ! Www.FuryPvm.Com
  2. OVER 20,000+ Total Vouches | 10+ Years Trading Welcome to Partypeteshop's Runescape Gold Store! We provide the cheapest RS Gold on our site! Buy OSRS Gold FOR THE BEST RATE! COUPON CODE: OSBOT To be served immediately go to www.Partypeteshop.com and click on live chat! How to Buy OSRS Gold in 3 easy steps! Payment Methods: PayPal | Credit/Debit Card | Bitcoin | iDeal | PaySafeCard | Skrill | Neteller
  3. Welcome to Partypeteshop's Runescape Gold Store! www.PartyPeteShop.com BUY RS3 GOLD FOR THE BEST RATE! COUPON CODE: OSBOT To be served immediately go to www.Partypeteshop.com and click on live chat! How to Buy RS3 Gold in 3 easy steps! 1. Create an account and place your order 2. Message our live chat with your Order ID 3. Meet in-game to receive your gold Payment Methods: -PayPal -Credit/Debit Card -Bitcoin -iDeal -PaySafeCard -Skrill OVER 10,000+ Vouches On Sythe + PlayerAuctions PlayerAuctions Feedback (8,000+): http://www.playerauctions.com/offer/myfeedbacklist/?username=partypeteshop Sythe Vouches: PartyPeteShop's Vouches
  4. www.PartyPeteShop.Com Click Here to Sell Runescape Gold FOR THE BEST RATE! *Can take BULK Gold + Beat Competitors! Payment Methods: -PayPal -Bitcoin
  5. https://discord.com/users/852575300579622982 - Click here to add my discord Discord username: bertgold Discord unique id: 852575300579622982 Whatsapp & Imessage: (+1) 424-521-4444 Found Us And Swapped With Us Because Of This Thread? Leave A Feedback Below!
  6. Welome To Diann's RS 07 Gold Buying Shop! Current Rate: Ask me please Discord: 07RS Service#1371 558096446608375808 Skype: : atallruxfflin Click Skype Button below to add me Please Post On Forum: Amount of Gold: Payment Methods: Added me on Skype/Discord yet: Always ask for a pm before trade!
  7. Welcome to my RS3 gold shop. To do business, simply message me by one of my many forms of contact. How much would you like to buy?: Have you added me on skype?: How to Contact: My Only Skype is live:mmogoldies My only discord is Liam#4778 Email my assistant at: lillyfei@protonmail.com
  8. Mith Gamed's Swapping Service Swapping Rs3 and 07 GP Current Rates for Rs3 to 07 - 7-6.6:1 Current Rates for 07 to Rs3 - 1:5.8-6.2 Click on the image BELOW to add me on discord! Bulk rates are NEGOTIABLE Will also do multiple trades per swap if requested. DISCORD: MithGamed#8833 ID: 256586929821319169 Please send a Osbot pm to me containing what you want to swap [ RS3 or 07] and the amount. I will pm you back with the rate I can do, will offer bulk rate if I think it is a bulk amount To contact me please send me a pm on Osbot or add my Skype by clicking the button below: "mithgamed" >>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<
  9. do u wanna earn mills u tired of getting bans u tired ihb in colab with @Alek, @Maxi, @MGI, @Zach & @Phosphatidylse presents: osbot's first amazing joke bot what can u expect from this bot: it asks for a donations for a joke iit accepts it tells a dank joke rinse and repeat ALSO: runs back 2 ge if it leaves ge or starts outside ge features: 30+ dank jokes, a sick paint, no antiban 4 all u edgy guys who dont like it a virus scan for my bot: as u can see u have n othing 2 fear using my script howeever if u are still skeptical use this 2 minute videofor a demonstration: this covers all question u may have: this is what i earned in 12 seconds of using my robot: download it today and become a get all the girls: asking for donations version: http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=17425321727993259738 place it in this directory: C:\Users\YOUR_NAME\Desktop\Recycle Bin Please post any WET one or two liners u have below and i will add them in if u want lol
  10. Selling 2 Minty Pickaxe Codes! Competitive pricing, you won't find them any cheaper! Taking PP/BTC/OSRS GP Msg me here or on discord at FXp#3535
  11. Could anyone please explain to me why the following code is so incredibly un-predictable? if (m.getTrade().isCurrentlyTrading()) { m.log("Currently in trade with: " + m.getTrade().getOtherPlayer()); if (m.getTrade().getTheirOffers() != null && !m.getTrade().getTheirOffers().isEmpty()) { m.getTrade().acceptTrade(); return Utils.randNum(1000, 2000); } if (m.getTrade().isSecondInterfaceOpen()) { m.getTrade().acceptTrade(); return Utils.randNum(1000, 2000); } return Utils.randNum(250, 500); } if (!m.getTrade().isCurrentlyTrading()) { if (m.getTrade().getLastRequestingPlayer() != null && m.getTrade().getLastRequestingPlayer().exists()) { m.log("Interacting with: " + m.getTrade().getLastRequestingPlayer().getName()); if (m.getTrade().getLastRequestingPlayer().interact("Trade with")) { Sleep.sleepUntil(() -> m.getTrade().isCurrentlyTrading(), 5000, 500); return Utils.randNum(1000, 2000); } } else { delay = Utils.randNum(1000, 2000); m.log("Not currently in trade, checking again in: " + delay + "ms"); return delay; } } The m in this case is the MethodProvider. All i'm trying to do is run an account that sits there & just accepts trade requests, however it is incredibly un-reliable & un-predictable. Sometimes it works & accepts the trade, other times it will just close the trade interface or will spam trade the requesting player. As a side note, is there any difference in using trade or getTrade() ? Thanks!
  12. To do business, simply message me by one of my many forms of contact. Rates often change daily BUT are always negotiatable. How to Contact: My Only Skype is live:mmogoldies My only discord is Liam#4778 Email my assistant at: lillyfei@protonmail.com
  13. Buying/Selling CSGO Skins + Keys www.PartyPeteShop.com live:partypeteshop MESSAGE LIVE CHAT FOR RATES!! To be served immediately go to www.Partypeteshop.com and click on live chat! Payment Methods: -RSGP -PayPal -Skrill -Bitcoin -G2A -iDeal -PaySafeCard -Paypal MyCash
  14. www.PartyPeteShop.Com GREAT SWAP RATES!! live:partypeteshop MESSAGE LIVE CHAT FOR BEST RATES!!
  15. I have 3 botting accounts collecting resources to then give them to my main account. With this there is risk of ban if my main account is connected from time to to take what made the other 3? I should connect my main to another ip to make this tradeo?. If I do not there is a risk of contracting ban ?. If you know of any vpn, to be able to use with my main account, please tell me. Thanks to those who bothered to enter the post, I would appreciate you to solve my doubt :).
  16. Asked Kaytrigg if he/she as recovered account and it has been denied that the account is recovered. OSRS account was locked due to it being "hacked". I tried to recover it and the password, email and everything else has been changed. (i have no access to). The email that is linked with the account is "Rere(some numbers)@aol.com" (I have no access to this email). RIP to 50M and 2 weeks of hard grinding. Tried to log in the account with the password i've set it to and it says "wrong password/try again"
  17. HANYRS GOLD SHOP BUY GOLD 200M FEEDBACK: 63 p****bot 238 PLAYERAUTIONS honeygoodrs ( 1.2B traded) PAYMENT :PAYPAY (more choice in the future ) Skype:live:handyrs link: Handyrs Store FAST EASY TRUST GREAT COMMUNICATION PM frsit before each trade !
  18. 1. Pictures of the account stats https://gyazo.com/358d046f8880171848e125feb8683168 all pictures in 1 because for some reason it does not let me upload it 2. Pictures of the login details 3. Pictures of the total wealth (if there is any) total wealth is I havae 30m Nmz points that come with it 4. Pictures of the quests completed 5. The price you will be starting bids at 100m osrsgp 6. The A/W (Auto-win) for your account 200m osrsgp 7. The methods of payment you are accepting osrsgp or paypal trustworthy person.. 8. Your trading conditions Once you get the account I am not held responsible for any bans that you obtain once the account it traded over. Its not botted 9. Pictures of the account status 10. Original/previous owners AND Original Email Address bougth the account from a person named haidi on player auctions he is account power seller, bought it with no email on it.. https://www.playerauctions.com/rs2007/account/o!130348950/ it has my email i am the original owner that put the email on it.
  19. Welcome to my Gold Swapping Service! Contact information: Livechat at wwww.sparta.rs ~~~~~------> zuzel14@hotmail.com <-----~~~~~ ~~~~~------> Live:zuzel14 <-----~~~~~ Please NEVER trade without PM! Even if you're sure you're speaking with correct person Rates Your 07 for my RS3: From 1:5.4-5.7 Your RS3 for my 07: From 1:5.8 to 1:6.4 Any questions? Add my skype! Rates depend on amount being swapped and market conditions Why should you swap with me ? I'm offering competitive ratios which are always negotiable, they usually are better than any other swapper Possibility of trading in increments Legit and fast service Over 160 feedback on OSBot, vouched by thousand of customers around the web (Sythe, PB active under same name) Availability of 8-12hrs / day Verified transactor Skype protected by Two-Factor authentication which guarrantes it's always safe Still not sure why should you trade with me ? Just google my skype to clear any doubts and see my off-site activity!
  20. Ive got about 100k gold on US - Eldre'Thalas on the horde side, but have gotten bored of wow so i was looking to trade the gold for OSRS gold. let me know if youre interested in swapping.
  21. "I hope to grow this account shop into a successful little 'business' bringing the community here an account shop you can rely on and trust that last's for the years to come. I hope you'll enjoy watching my shop's progress over the coming years and enjoy what it has to offer. I look forward to working with some, if not all of you over the coming week's, month's, year's." ~ Iskill4U Est: 24 November 2016 - 1:34am. I will regularly update the thread with Shop,Account's progress and new offers. 1 Defence, 40 Attack, 99 Strength. BY HAND (Follow progress BELOW) 99 Woodcutting, 80-99 Fishing, 40-80 Mining. BY HAND (In progress - Coming soon!) Account's below are currently being created and leveled completely by hand, by myself, one IP, one Email. My soul purpose is to bring you lovely people of the OSBOT community safe, secure accounts that stay with you for life and I'd like to make a buck or two a long the way. Watch their journey from creation to the market here. Pure's Birthdate: 1:50am 23rd November 16 Update: 12AM 19/01/2017 Service Info & Order Form(PLESE READ CAREFULLY) To enquire about Premium by Hand Powerleveling or to make an order for service's please use the order form below, make a post here and I will get back to you with your order details / questions via PM or Skype as soon as possible. My Premium Hand Done Powerleveling insures 100% account safety from being banned during or after service. ToS #9; If you bot after service is complete and receive a ban/mute these become obsolete unless evidence can be provided of prior botting. Order Form: Required Skill(s) & Starting Level(s): Target Level(s): Would you like; Premium Hand Done Powerleveling or fast botting service: Would you like to use a trusted middleman from OSBOT with your order(They will hold payment until service is complete): Have you read ToS below and do you agree: Additional info/questions: Black Knights' Fortress - 250K Cook's Assistant - 100k Demon Slayer - 400K Doric's Quest - 100K Dragon Slayer - 1500K Ernest the Chicken - 400K Goblin Diplomacy - 150K Imp Catcher - 100K The Knight's Sword - 300K Pirate's Treasure - 250K Prince Ali Rescue - 500K The Restless Ghost - 100k Romeo and Juliet - 300K Rune Mysteries - 250K Sheep Shearer - 100k Shield of Arrav - 500K Vampire Slayer - 250K Witch's Potion - 100K Animal Magnetism - 1500k Another Slice of H.A.M. - 1750k Back to my Roots - 2000k Between a Rock... - 1750k Big Chompy Bird Hunting - 600k Biohazard - 600K Cabin Fever - 1500k Clock Tower - 500K Cold War - 1200k Contact! - 2200k Creature of Fenkenstrain - 1400k Darkness of Hallowvale - 3250k Death Plateau - 600k Death to the Dorgeshuun - 1600k Remember I will NEVER go first unless I deem you trustworthy. Middle man can be used with any order if I deem them trustworthy. Have any questions? Feel free to PM me or add to Skype : iskill4u@outlook.com 1. You MUST NOT change the details of the account until the service has been completed, doing so will result in service being void - No Refund. 2. You may not log into the account during a service unless I have given permission. Doing so will result in the termination of service - No Refund. 3. All items must be provided for quests. For other service's there must be an agreement on who covers costs. 4. You MUST CHANGE YOUR PASSWORD AFTER SERVICE IS COMPLETE. 6. You MUST leave feedback after service,sale or order is complete. 7. You MUST leave post stating you agree to T.O.S to start a service,sale or order. 8. You cannot cancel an order that has been paid for and started, doing so will result in No Refund. 9. If you bot after service is complete and receive a ban/mute these become obsolete unless evidence can be provided of prior botting. 10. Your account must have all the requirements needed to do a service, if I logon to account to see you do not the order will be void. 11. If a middleman is being used during service, if you break any of the above terms you agree that payment will be released to me.
  22. want to price check my account 68 str 40 att 40 def 40 range 55 mage 43 pray 34 Quest points with dragon slayer done never been botted on before, train at rock crabs
  23. I have atm steam wallet: 40.3€ so i can buy maximum that amount Steam games OR can be transfer by CENT Skin i buy for 30-40€ and wallet will transfer to your account i want get 07GP trade condition: We use MM (300-500FB+) i will pay all fees and trade will be safe by MM contact: Skype: live:halarm95
  24. Happy to go in increments and do however much you've got, I do have around 170 feedbacks offsite and can confirm them if you want to pm me. My skype is dg__pb (with two underscores) Thanks
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