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  1. I have "getLogoutTab().logOut();" in my overriden onExit() method so that the account logs out when I manually stop the script using the GUI. It used to work in previous versions (months ago) but not anymore. What has changed? I also tried creating my own logout() method. It works when I place it elsewhere but not in the onExit() method.
  2. Almighty master farmer Juggles, why do my freshly bonded accounts keep getting banned? (new proxies, new mule, new errything.) I'm now suffering a terrible loss in geepees due to this. FeelsTerribleMan

    1. Juggles


      How long ago did you do tut island on them?

    2. Adept


      Not long tbh. I'll try resting them.

    3. Juggles


      Yeah prob delay ban from tut. 

  3. Honestly mate, you're probably better off investing all this time elsewhere. Imagine what skills you could master or what projects you could develop if you shifted your focus to something else. In the long run, these are likely to give you more monetary gain.
  4. I think you can watch it as it's being aired live with Mobdro. You'll probably be able to watch the recorded video later at putlockerhd.is (official putlocker domain).
  5. when the service money doesn't suffice for bills
  6. What case is that? Looks aids.
  7. It's amusing how clueless you are about web technologies. Java to HTML, ha, good luck with that. Might wanna revise your task description.
  8. Don't quote me on this but I believe NPCs "animate" when under attack (and are being splashed on) so !npc.isAnimating() should take care of that. Also, I just checked the API and the "!npc.isUnderAttack()" check in the filter I provided earlier is redundant since it's already checked for with "npc.isAttackable()". However since you explicitly stated to check for an NPC which is not under attack and not one which is attackable it makes more sense to keep the former. Edited my reply to reflect that.
  9. I imagine you don't want to attack an NPC which is under attack, but you want to attack one which is not. Here's how to find that monster: NPC notUnderAttack = getNpcs().closest(new Filter<NPC>() { @Override public boolean match(NPC npc) { return !npc.isUnderAttack() && !npc.isAnimating(); } });
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