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Everything posted by Malii

  1. Malii

    Help me?

    I live in the US and the state I live in favors mothers over fathers. Which is pretty unfortunate.
  2. Malii

    Help me?

    Sorry you have to go through this shit as well. I have had anxiety and depression most of my life so this definitely isn't helping. Thanks you for all the suggestions. Best of luck to you man. All of this is great thank you. Only she won't get alimony I believe because we haven't married yet. I can't do anything about the 50 hours a week that's my schedule work schedule. Shes got me post blocked on facebook so I can't see any shit she does so that's whatever, but I'll start saving as much as I can. and I don't have anything against me being a bad father. I just work and play with my son.
  3. Malii

    Help me?

    dead thread, old memories, /delete
  4. He knows how to make gifs. why is everyone mad? He is just saying that this trailer shat on infinity warfare trailer. Cod 4 remastered will gain players, I am sure, but the *new* call of duty's excluding remasters are all futuristic and thats what the community hates. Therefore "rip cod" = bf1 trailer > iw trailer
  5. That's why I get so confused and frustrated. The tutorials that I follow show similar ways as I wrote then when I show someone they tell me I no longer need this or need that. So it confuses me. Oh well
  6. Hopefully you can learn something from it. I don't know maybe I'll update it. Might just start a new script and just work slower so I don't get so frustrated. I like scripting. Guess I'm just slow.
  7. Apple Basket Maker Hey OSBot community, I created a script to make Apple(5) baskets. It has no paint nor does it log out after it runs out of supplies so you'll have to babysit it. I've used it to create 30k apple(5) baskets so far. I take back everything I said when I first posted this about quitting scripting already and etc. Will be updating, but feel free to use the script as you'd like. Use it to learn or improve it. I just request that you don't re-release it. Thank you<3 Download: Here Pastebin: Here Feel free to do what you'd like to it. Enjoy. Will be adding: Gold PerHour Logout after supplies are exhausted Overall smoother running
  8. Appreciate it! Anything other then a standard woodcut script would be fantastic.
  9. Not exactly sure how you'd write it, but using getRunEnergy and setRunning are the api settings. Nevermind Acerd, got it.
  10. OSBot is only three years old? My account is two years old and I have barely any posts. Man I feel bad. Good luck to whoever enters though. I won't be because I don't deserve that.
  11. Malii


    M-a-l-d-e-s-t-double oooo
  12. This is where I went wrong: public boolean basket() throws InterruptedException { if (inventory.interact(this.basketsName, "Basket")) { if (inventory.interact(this.basketsName, "Fill")); And thank you for that advice. I'll ask the chat box next time so I stop flooding the forum with simple questions. My apologies.
  13. Sorry about all the spam lately, I'm just really wanting to learn. I'm trying my best to do this on my own, but its just the random shit that stumps me. Anyways, can anyone explain to me why my interacts aren't working? Example: http://imgur.com/UTTqY8u The script clearly knows where the cursor is suppose to be, but why isn't it "interacting" with it? Like I said in my second sentence I'm stumped. Any help is appreciated.
  14. I do use IntelliJ. I started with eclipse but after reading the forums and tutorials I notice IntelliJ was better. Also has a nice dark theme hahaBut to everyone that helped thank you. I figure out all the issues. Took a while but I got it. Now I'm just having issues with interacting with items but I'll figure it out
  15. This is my youtube. I can help you if you'd like. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUl5cxXamAQr9rFSy1CewGQ
  16. I just fixed most of the ; {} () problems, now I'm trying to figure out how to reconnect the import org.osbot.rs07.script.MethodProvider; For some reason its still grayed out with a gray underline.
  17. Well considering this is my first script ever and I study as much as I can I guess I'm already learning Java.
  18. No shit that's the issue the errors shouldn't exist because all the line of code that should have ; and () have them. I exported the script tested it in the osbot client went back into the script to change how it banked and went to go export again and I got all those errors.
  19. It's one of my money making methods and the prices have been good for while so I don't want to ruin it sorry. If I can't get the help because the errors are to vague I'll just rewrite the script from scratch.
  20. I can't quote any of you because the forums are shit on mobile but I am using semicolons every spot that needs one has one along with ( ) Like I script was running I went to try and add a line of code, exported to test and it came up with all those errors. I'll add some of you on skype tonight. Currently at work. Thanks everyone.
  21. I have no idea what I did because I'm super new to scripting, but my script was working fine about five minutes ago, I changed one thing went to go test it again and I got this: https://gyazo.com/cf411f7363b2709605a1d70efaabbce0 I ctrl + z it and its still fucked up. No matter what I've tried nothing is going back to how it was. Also before this happened my import org.osbot.rs07.script.MethodProvider; and import org.osbot.rs07.utility.ConditionalSleep; were working now they are grayed out and say Unused import statement. I've also tried reloading a save, but I save frequently so I saved this stupid mess by accident. I just don't understand?
  22. I'm not sure because I haven't even learned how to use this method yet, but looking at the osbot api I found this http://osbot.org/api/org/osbot/rs07/input/mouse/MouseDestination.html Might be what you're looking for?
  23. So I started my first script by following the tutorials on the osbot youtube channel, but using my own shit for what I want. lol Though I'm confused as to why some of the code doesn't work. For example in the video he types out, Which doesn't register for some reason, so I changed it to, instead. Will this work the same?
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