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Everything posted by imschwaggy

  1. i got banned and i wasnt even botting.....
  2. yeah i dont suggest botting right now something's definitely going on right now.
  3. imschwaggy

    99 smithing

    support, wanna donate 50k iron knives for my range training when you're done
  4. How'd you do it? I got banned after 3days on my skiller :'( I already got to 74hunter :'( how did you do it?
  5. Has anyone ever done a successful ban appeal for botting?
  6. lmfaoooo, yeah, i feel like ur gonna bot this -_- but gl anyway lmfaooo
  7. Title says it... I am going to make a mule/backup account to store 50-80% of my wealth and gains. I want it to have 40atk 10hp 99mage but I don't know how to get 40atk without gaining hp exp.
  8. nice, we have the same goal, im about to do puro puro too, im buying that script aswell. Im omw to 50magic for snares.
  9. yeah i was under the assumption that it would just link me to paypal. dang i need this script :'( Im wasting exp lol. I need teh muniez and teh chinz http://imageshack.com/a/img838/4452/oe59.png http://imageshack.com/a/img838/4452/oe59.png Forget it I've got it to work now I added credit to my account via paypal then purchased the script. Its running now.
  10. Do I have to go to the client area in my profile section and add credit to my account?
  11. Nothing happens after i click the "confirm my order" button. ive tried on firefox and same problem, i cannot get to the "finnish" section after u accept the terms and try to click "confirm my order" http://imageshack.com/a/img838/4452/oe59.png http://imageshack.com/a/img838/4452/oe59.png
  12. For some reason I cannot check out a script. I can't get passed the confirm & pay. Do I have to switch browsers to like firefox or something? Im using google chrome.
  13. im tryna do it with minimal/no questing, ape atoll isn't an option for pures anyway
  14. I am a minimally quested pure with mainly quests done to get avas. I am going to do a couple more to get dds and what not. Because I've been seeing NMZ videos. But I want to know some places to chin. How good are bandits in alkharid? Any other non-quest related places to chin? I remember a while back there was a dungeon near wilderness with mummies that people used to chin, Im not sure how it is now. but yeah im going to buy about 5k-10k chins (red or black) to train with. lmk some good places to chin pls. Also check my progress post and support me . http://osbot.org/forum/topic/46595-the-lazy-pure-returns/
  15. UPDATED 4/15 THANKS FOR THE SUPPORT SO FAR GETTING THESE GAINS ~Ty to my friend IRL donating $1 to my script fund.
  16. How? I need more followers and are they legit like do they like pics and stuff?
  17. Currently doing this "Peta Hunter" Script (better than AIO hunter tbh way faster) 4/28: Almost to my next goal of 90Hunter Will be there later today Going for a 24hr proggy lol. Then off to 99 Hunter some time next week $$ unless I get the blast furnace script for $$x2. (Heard it makes 250-500k+ profit per hour) Im back to runescape after getting hacked 3months into OSRS(2007scape). Lost bank and all my goodies so Im starting fresh thanks to a few donations to get me going. I've been using a few bots to get my stats up. Aswell as reluctantly doing a few quests. Ill post a few pics of proggies and stats i've gotten the past week and change i've been playing. Short Term Goals: (stats) *90Range* (currently working on this) 80Strength 60Attack 50Mage 43Prayer *90Hunter* (currently working on this) (items) Robin Hood Hat Fury Amy Dark Bow Archers Ring Karils Cbow Red/Black Chins Long term Goals: (stats) 99Range 90Strength 60Attack 99Mage 52Prayer 80Agility 55Slayer *99Hunter* (items) Ranger Boots Armadyl Crossbow 10m+Cash stack ~More to come *********** UPDATED *********** ~~~April 18, 2014 CURRENT: *65HitPoints* 40Attack *75Range* 70Strength *50 Magic* (short-term goal met) *59Agility* 46Fishing/Cooking/Woodcutting 30Thief *43Prayer* (short-term goal met) *80 Hunter* ITEMS: 1.5m Cash Unholy Book Avas Accumulator 4/14: Going to start training ranged at experiments hopefully with a script. Im also hoping I do not get banned. ~got to 75range 65hp 4/15: Started training hunter, got from 28-43 so far. Going to have 53 in a few hours and get grey chins. Then going to use all chins for range training. Purchased "Auto Hunter Pro" Script . $$ Here I come, I hope It was a good investment. Seems good so far. Accepting all donations in game and via paypal for members and gold/items. PM me to donate in game or via paypal gift Needed Sharks, Arrows, Knives, Chins, Pots, Gp, Any items tbh help the lazy pure get these gains ~was foolishly and wastefully training with rune arrows I thought it was faster, now using steel/iron knives. (wasted about 250k+ SUPPORTERS: (I have 12.3k+ followers on IG will shout out all donators and supporters) Will be updating this post every so often. 4/14: Just started a little test, going to see how much exp I get before I start frankenstein's quest to kill experiments. 4/15: Got to 53 Hunter, going for 63 tomorrow morning to start getting chins to train my range. 4/16: Got to 63 Hunter early this afternoon, going for 75 then will train my range with the chins i've got. Then going to get to 85 hunter. 4/17: Got to 76Hunter. Decided to continue to 83, then getting 5xmage and buying puropuro script after some questing. Heard that yields 300k-1.5mHr. Definitely worth the $15 . 4/18: Got to 80Hunter. 50Mage not sure if im going to buy the puro puro script right now. Decided to make a mule account incase I get banned. That account will start off as a skiller. Making it later today or tomorrow. Will be dropping off all valuable stuff every overnight mostlikely.
  18. imschwaggy


    I can't load the client... Is it down? "failed to load client"
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