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Everything posted by imschwaggy

  1. also, is it possible for stealth quester to use stamina and super energy pots?
  2. forget it, disregard that. also , can you add a fb on my page for purchasing the script
  3. Price check on this account pl0x noteable things listed. fcape, unholy book, zamorak halo, quests listed, noteable skills listed if anyone is interested in buying the account pm me with offers. current offers 50m osrsgp, and someone offered $100 via paypal in 2 weeks. account will be sold on a first come first serve basis with the best offer.
  4. post proggies people i wanna see them. might use this soon.
  5. im unsure if it was stated, but do you need all quest items in bank? or will the quester get them all? also, lets say im making an obby mauler, and i want to get mith gloves, i see fight arena in the list, can is there an option not to get that quest done? (since i dont want any attack exp)
  6. i ran it for 35hrs straight on this account, i ran out of sharks so i couldnt get the final screenshot lol. im actually gonna make an account and get a few quests done and legit skills. then suicide it for like 3-5days+ at a time lol. just to see how it goes. whats the longest proggy so far? someone message it to me, or mention me in the response.
  7. probably closer to like 80k/hr now. i gotta get a bring(i) soon. that extra str will do a lot. i have max pure str bonus. love this script. im gonna try to suicide bot an obby pure soon.
  8. anyone ever get banned using this?
  9. downloaded it, but which program do i install within the eclipse installer? the one i used didnt have java as an export option
  10. how do i do that? im new to this, havent done anything like this in YEARS. since like 2012/2013.
  11. whats that? yeah lol in the post i said it doesnt come up when i refresh, any of you know what a script manifest is? and are any of those scripts wilderness looter scripts? lol thats what im trying to make work right now @ScriptManifest(name = "Looting wildy 318", author = "MattGp", logo = "", version = 0.0, info = "") that?. i have it saved as what it says in there . "Looting wildy 318.jar" "Looting wildy 318.java" "Looting wildy 318.bat" all 3 ways, it doesnt come up.
  12. same here, for some reason it doesnt show up in the osbot script list. i have it saved as .bat .jar and .java none of them show. its weird.
  13. how do i add a local script on windows 10 , what do i save the file as for it to work? .jar (didnt work) .java (didnt work) do i do .bat as i did to run the osbot client? unsure what to do at this point. when i refresh the scripts the new local script doesnt come up. and i have a copy of it saved in every folder i can think of.
  14. Does anyone have a BA leech service?
  15. can i have a trial pls? if possible email me when its available so i dont waste any of the trial period's time lol. jermaineasimpson@@gmail.com
  16. $70USD via player auctions !
  17. i saw it but the range and mage are quite high for only ~40 slay , but how much would you take? ~$15 USD via player auctions?
  18. IDC combat level, as long as it has 55 slayer, less than 20atk and preferably melee based. Also preferably 31prayer or less. LMK Rather do transaction through player auctions though.
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