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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Epsilon

  1. Proxyfish is great, can't vouch for those guys enough.
  2. Fishing. Brings back good memories of my brother and I grinding for 76
  3. Jagex specifically target small time scripters. It's totally worth their time and resources.
  4. Don't use free scripts. Don't bot free to play. Don't bot in "hotspot areas" i.e runecrafting/ rangeguild. Don't bot on the same IP once an account has been banned using that IP. Don't bot on fresh accounts, mature them. Don't be dumb.
  5. PM me or add my skype (live:epsilon.os) BOUGHT
  6. Ya this ^^ Somebody needs to start selling maxed mains nice and cheap
  7. As the title says. Add my skype, live:epsilon.os
  8. wait i dont understand? you paid for script and still got banned?
  9. Always a risk of getting banned bud. Sucks to hear. I wouldn't say it has anything to do with the script being Khaleesi's though.
  10. Does us all some good. Hopefully some of us managed to get outside.
  11. Lifetime sponsor is about as close as you'll get brother.
  12. Not much, just staked consistently high amounts (500m+). Was fun to watch.
  13. Maybe we can convince @jackshow to stream again.
  14. Purchasing two accounts: 70/50/40 Have provided him with: Two accounts fresh from tutorial island, 14 days membership + 100k ea account. Price: Confirmed through skype. Timeframe: Week (roughly).
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