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Trade With Caution
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About Dynamite

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  1. I'll refund him when I've more time to be active on this forum.
  2. 24 hours isn't possible even though I think it's bs that I'm accused of recovering it. Especially with my time schedule atm. No one else has complained nor made disputes about the 4 other accounts I've sold. 100m? I thought you said you paid 150m for it?
  3. How come you get to choose whether you want the account back or not. My only job in this instance is to retrieve the account, and give it back "If possible". The next part of the deal is between you and cranium. The claim he has made about "email changed multiple times" is false, and there's no substance to it. Therefore, you shouldn't be able to choose whether you want the account or not. I told you in the beginning, that I didn't like the resell idea, and I explained the possibilities of drama, hence why I was skeptic about this. I did give him information's and apparently, he didn't save/have them? even though he made it quite clear it was a necessity to get them. Weird if you ask me. I told you, that I'll see what I can do, and I've contacted the guy on PA.
  4. Well I didn't touch the account, and I've given both (maybe not aaron) all information's I received upon purchase. So I'll see what I can do but a little suspicious, that it all of a sudden gets recovered after having it for 1.5-2 years without problems, just after purchase. I was bugged to buy it back for a few weeks now.
  5. What's the TWC for? I've no idea what's going on lol. You sent me a private message and I've answered with a "hi".
  6. Dynamite


    Accounts no longer needed /closed.
  7. So far I've these accounts - there's more to come. Zerkers, NMZ stakers and lots more. Accounts in the making: 4th on hold. Account 3 [CMB: 124] - Staker/main - 89 slayer - B gloves! [A/W: 350m] Account 1 [CMB: 121 - 4 letter name] - 97/97/97 main - 1600+ total - 3 pets CHAOS/DAGG/k'ril tsutsaroth - SOLD! Account 2 [CMB: 123] - maxed main - 1600+ total - SOLD!
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