I'm currently looking to join a good established gold site like 'Bogla' as a customer service helper (Live chat) or sales farmer, I have great knowledge and work experience. I have currently applied to work for @Bogla so if I receive some acknowledgement back and I'm accept I'd be happily joining their team and putting my skills and knowledge into helping to strive the company further, but for now I'm looking for other available roles.
I was looking to set my own website up but i think at this moment in time it isn't the right choice as there is so many available and out doing each other on prices.
I'd also be willing to offer my service in becoming a moderator on a private server or some sort of forums to help use my skills and knowledge up, I'm 22 so I'm quite mature and I offer a nice set of experience to help deal with situations or get through certain tasks.
If you have a great role available and interested in me forwarding you my application or real life CV then please message me or add my Skype. I'm active quite a lot and when I'm not on my computer I'm on my phone checking up on things, I have whatsapp available to speak direct to staff and whatever else is needed.
Kind regards
The hunter