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Everything posted by Alek

  1. Try downloading 2.3.109. For some reason a large group of users were having issues while others experienced no problems.
  2. Version 2.3.109 was released, hopefully this solves a big handful of users who were experiencing issues.
  3. This is just a small update to start off the weekend. Please note that the jar updater will not work on upgrading 106 -> 107, we're still dealing with some DDoS mitigation issues. Changelog: -Added MouseZoom random event -One-time setup randoms are removed from the cycle after completion -Added prioritization of random events I finally have some time to work on OSBot (not that I haven't) since I'm on leave, so I'll be patching up all the bugs that have been reported this weekend/next week. -The OSBot Staff
  4. Alek

    Scripts wont load.

    Moving to mirror mode forum
  5. Alek

    Scripts wont load.

    SDN Script or Local Script?
  6. Moving this to mirror mode forum
  7. Alek

    Scripts wont load.

    Can you please start OSBot in terminal? If you do not know how, google "how to start a Java program using Mac terminal".
  8. Test this in stealth injection and see if it's the same issue.
  9. Alek

    Scripts wont load.

    Can you post the complete error (in text, do not screenshot)? Have you tried starting the client up again today?
  10. Stealth injection and reflection are about the same in terms of detectability, all other variables aside (proxies, accounts, scripts, etc)
  11. Hopefully the DDoS attacks will be mitigated for some time as our services slowly start to restore. Please give a big high-five to @Zach for his work, the attacks were pretty sizable. In this release you'll find all the extra features from the 2.3.105 release and a few features such as dynamic signatures should be restored as well (pending script updates). Thank you for being a member here at OSBot; we will continue working toward keeping our services online. You must download the new version through the website and NOT the client. Edit: The elusive, shadow bender @Maxi also made an appearance to help restore the services, give him a high-five with your other hand. -The OSBot Staff
  12. You can download 2.3.105 from the Control Panel located on the forum index. We're working on mitigating the DDoS attacks by working on server and client changes.
  13. This won't be accurate under a lot of circumstances. 1: double x = n.model.getBoundingBox(n.getGridX(), n.getGridY(), n.getZ()).getCenterX(); double y = n.model.getBoundingBox(n.getGridX(), n.getGridY(), n.getZ()).getCenterY(); Consider an object with a hollow center as such: Red is the object, green is the bounding box, and the blue X is the center. Under every circumstance you are saying that the destination should be at this position, which is not actually clickable. 2: if (g.interact(action)) { sleep(random(900, 1200)); } This is still calling InteractionEvent, which is walking, updating camera, closing out of open interfaces, calling the mouse move events, mouse click events, menu API, etc. Also the above code would not work well with ground item stacks and probably not NPC stacks either, because the bounding box which you are creating is coming from GraphicUtilities. This is a pretty good start but I would really recommend fully understanding InteractionEvent so you can create your interactions that are tailored to your script.
  14. http://osbot.org/forum/topic/81099-ddos-attacks/
  15. You are currently not a VIP. VIP members have a purple username on the forum with a purple title bar (pip) that says "VIP". It is very likely that your payment is waiting to be cleared.
  16. Khaleesi was nice enough to make a thorough bug/suggestion report, so it's something I'll take a look at again. If you are familiar with shapes in Java, we are essentially looking at the worldtoscreen (3d to 2d) shape translation and then finding a point within that shape that is towards the center-mass. From there a PointDestination is generated, the mouse is moved through InteractionEvent, and the evaluation checks to see whether or not the our mouse has reached the target. There is a lot of behind the scenes stuff so when I get a free minute from working on other stuff (like zoom), I'll open this can of worms again.
  17. I didn't plan on working on this, however I kept running into issues with JFrame packing issues with the Netbeans auto-generated code. This should solve the "GSOD" (grey-screen of death) issues. Anyways, the Account Selector was re-written by hand and now contains all the account adding/removing features originally found in the Settings interface. The Settings interface hasn't been stripped and re-written yet, but it had some minor adjustments to account for the new selector. Changelog: -Updated client API checks -Client getUsername() re-purposed, returns logged in OSBot Account username --myPlayer().getName() still returns game name -Enhanced various security checks regarding login details -Updated AutoLogin -Re-wrote AccountSelector -Updated Settings interface Please test this development build, it was a very large update. -The OSBot Staff
  18. The SDN gets updated on minimum once per day, wait until the next update. This is not an issue or error, closing.
  19. What does that have to do with this release?
  20. Restart the client, sometimes there is an issue with interface initialization. It's an issue I'm trying to resolve.
  21. It was removed because too many new botters were incorrectly setting their memory allocations, crashing their client on their own. Start OSBot in cmd/terminal as such: java -jar <osbot filename> <mem allocation in mb> Example: "java -jar osbot.jar 4000" If they can't figure out how to use command line, they definitely shouldn't be setting memory allocation.
  22. It sounds like everyone here is new to RS; game updates happen every Thursday for Old School. Please wait while we make the necessary patches for the current update.
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