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  1. Description of bug(where, what, when, why): Ardougne silk stall, when hit by guard, doesn't recognise it, still attempting to thiev the stall, when hp is at the certain point, goes to bank, eats a few trouts, doesn't bring any to the stall. When starting script with food in inventory, goes to stall, drops the food and starts thieving. https://gyazo.com/aba428c0146f933a50af846b0d763419 Log: Your settings: https://gyazo.com/6db7f330c6fa3678a55c221686d0fa56 Mirror mode: Y/N? No // Found another bug, I have in settings that if 1 player is with me thieving the stall, it should hop worlds, but it doesn't.
  2. Another proggy , very satisfied with the purchase, has already made me the money back and I have gotten alot of XP with it . // Used the script too long , got 2 day ban on my main, never botting on it again. Time to make a new account for master farmer .
  3. Script is still buggy, pickpockets master farmer for a few times then runs to the bank, withdraws food, pickpockets again 1-5 times, runs to bank. I hope that you fix this bug soon.
  4. kanakulles

    OSBot 1.8.1-6

    The client doesn't solve the box random, I left my account to bot for night, I woke up, I saw like 30 unsolved random boxes and the client didn't do anything, just stood there for like 5-6 hours doing nothing.
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